How To Plant Peanuts: The Best Tips And Tricks

how to plant peanuts

how to plant peanuts

Peanuts are widely consumed throughout the world due to their characteristics and nutritional content suitable for almost any type of diet. maybe learn how to plant peanuts It may not be one of the best choices to start in the world of horticulture, but its cultivation is not very difficult and it can be succeeded with relative ease. Some of the care you need are somewhat more delicate.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you how to plant peanuts and what aspects you must take into account for their correct care.

Sowing time

how to plant peanuts step by step

how to plant peanuts step by step

This depends largely on the climate of each place, since peanuts take between 60 and 120 days, depending on the variety and conditions, from planting to preparation for harvest, time during which the weather should be pleasant, moderate or warm.

In hot climates you can start seeds in February or even January, while in cooler places it is best to wait until April, May or June, or in a sheltered seedbed and then transplant into the ground when conditions improve. Therefore, it is a plant to sow at the end of winter and spring.

Peanuts are a warm weather crop that are very sensitive to frost but tolerant of mild temperatures. Full exposure to direct sunlight is required. Partial shade or shade prevents flowering. The optimum temperature is between 20 and 30 ºC.

How to plant peanuts

plant your peanuts

plant your peanuts

We can choose to directly sow the peanuts or prepare the seedbed and transplant the seedlings later. The peanuts themselves are sown in holes about 2 cm deep, with 1 to 2 seeds placed in each hole. The seeds are carefully covered and watered without pressing the soil. Within 8 to 10 days, the seeds will begin to germinate. Peanuts are planted in spring. We will leave 30 square centimeters of space for each plant, so that they have enough space to grow.

Peanut plantation is not very demanding and requires a soil with a moderate content of organic matter. Prefers well-drained soils with a minimum pH of 6 and that they are well loose. If you are going to grow your peanuts in pots or containers, keep in mind that they must be at least 30 cm deep.

The substrate must be loose, fertile, well drained and rich in calcium, phosphorus and potassium. The pH must be above 7.0. This crop draws in a lot of nutrients, so the land must be fertilized and alternated with other crops before peanuts are grown in the same area. It is recommended to wait at least 3 years before repeating. In general, humic sands are the best for this crop.

Rich, sandy soils may be suitable, while laterites, if not very clayey and well prepared, are also suitable. Acidic soils that retain too much moisture are not recommended.

Requirements and cares

planted peanuts

hands looked

Abundant and regular watering is required in the early stages. It should be rinsed to keep the soil moist without creating standing water. During the flowering period, it is advisable to reduce or suspend irrigation so as not to affect pollination.

It should be watered and avoid touching the leaves as they do not tolerate too much moisture. Frequent rains are usually beneficial, as long as they don’t come when the pods are developing or maturing. For this reason, it is convenient to plant peanuts in dry soil during the rainy season, or in well-drained soil for continuous irrigation during the dry season. Be sure to choose an area that is not prone to flooding, as it can rot if the soil is over-watered.

Peanuts need full sun exposure. It is not a plant that tolerates shade or partial shade very well. It must receive direct light to flower properly. This plant comes from temperate and warm climates and grows well at temperatures of 17-7-30ºCalthough it can withstand occasional frosts, but not if they are frequent. When the soil temperature is higher than 8-10 ℃, the peanut seeds can germinate a few days after sowing, a week to 15 days after sowing.

How to plant peanuts step by step

It removes weeds and residue from previous crops, as well as various residues to ensure your peanuts get the correct amount of nutrients. All plants must be uprooted to prevent regrowth.

Remove the soil with a rake and let it be well ventilated. It is recommended to deeply plow the soil in winter to a depth of 20-25 cm. Subsequently, another tillage must be carried out in spring, this time more superficial. Moisten the soil before planting, this will reduce the risk of the seeds being forced out by the water. Fertilize the soil. Mix fertilizer to a depth of 5 cm.

It is recommended to buy seeds at a garden store. When planting, form trenches that are at least 60 cm apart. In each trench mounds will be formed 40 cm apart and 2 to 3 seeds will be planted in each mound at a depth of between 3 and 5 cm. When you’re done, cover them lightly.

After planting, water the soil generously. The seeds will germinate after 8 days. If more than one seed germinated in each hole, keep the strongest one. To do this, don’t pull on the weak ones as it will damage the leaves. A simple pruning to the ground will suffice.

After a while, the flowers of the plants will burrow, and since this is how peanuts form in the ground, it is important that the soil around these plants is always as loose as possible. It is important that we avoid touching the flowers as they fall off easily and can damage the harvest.

Some recommendations

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to plant peanuts and what you should take into account for it.

How To Plant Peanuts: The Best Tips And Tricks

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