Organic garden: what is it, characteristics and tips

organic garden

organic garden

More and more people have space in their home and decide to have a more sustainable and ecological life. For this, one of the processes of self-management and self-efficiency focuses on food. Today we are going to talk about organic garden and how to do it at home. It is a home garden that seeks natural organic cultivation without the need to use chemical fertilizers in order to have good all-natural resources.

In this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know, characteristics and how to create an organic garden.

Key features

urban garden

urban garden

For this type of dead, you do not need too much space, so a small piece of land can be a good terrace. For people who do have more space, they can afford a greater amount of crops. However, it does not take a large investment to build your own version of the organic garden. It only takes some initial information and to take the first steps to carry out planting and harvesting tasks.

The first of all is to have a field that does not have to be too wide. It only takes about 4-5 square meters to accommodate some crops. We are going to see some of the aspects that we need to be able to build the organic dead.

Materials for the organic garden

organic garden at home

organic garden at home


It is enough to have some terraces to be able to achieve good results. The secret in this type of death is not in size, but also in the care and the system to be installed. There are some fundamental aspects to take into account if we want to have good crop success. These aspects are the following: crop rotation, the use of organic fertilizers and the association of plants.

The earth

It is necessary to take into account the preparation of the land for the crops to be maintained. It is enough that the land is cleared and weeds, stones and glass are removed to establish the terraces. It is recommended that there is a margin of between approximately 30-40 centimeters between them. In this way, when carrying out maintenance tasks on the crops, we can walk among them in a stable way.

Organic gardening experts advise not to move the soil too much, but simply to integrate the clods into the natural soil and level the area with a rake.


Once we have fixed the other aspects, now it is time to compost. We can already have the necessary conditions to sow although we must consider some aspects. These aspects are what make the difference between good results or not. One of them is the use of organic fertilizers to enrich the earth. This is where the name of the organic garden comes from.

A good organic compost can be created by yourself / or organic waste such as are eggshells, potato remains, manure, ashes, fruit remains, etc. For this, you need an area to compost. You can pick out the waste, pour water on it and covered it with plastic to ferment. Once you have fermented, we can put them in the garden. You can also make natural compost with plant remains to fertilize the soil.

Sowing in the organic garden

Once we have the basic requirements, we will fully enter the stage of planting the crops. It is a simple process but it has some nuances that make a difference. The first thing is to think about what crops we are going to have. You can have beans, cauliflower, beets, onion or lettuce, among others. There is a wide variety of crops that the organic garden can grow. You have to know how to choose your local planting schedule to know when to plant now and later. Broadly speaking, we must prepare the organic garden according to the season of the year and according to the use of the greenhouses. We know how to mix well the options are endless.

When sowing there are some alternatives. The first is by seedlings or directly by casting the seed on the ground. If we do direct seeding well, many plants usually grow in the same place, so they can compete with each other for space and nutrients. One form of selection may be to choose the most vigorous plants and pluck those that have grown less.

These maintenance tasks should be performed approximately a month and is known as thinning. If we choose to sow our crops through the seedling technique, it is convenient to place the soil in smaller containers and just introduce a few seeds. There are many people who use egg boxes that are completely biodegradable to carry out these plantings. Also You can use the cylinders from the rolls of toilet paper or kitchen paper and place them on the ground. Once we place them, we mix them with smoke or compost and a little sand or coconut fiber so that the soil has good drainage.

This is an aspect to take into account. Soil drainage is essential to avoid flooding. Both irrigation and rain water can puddle the soil if it does not have a good drainage that is capable of filtering excess water.

Once we have everything prepared we can try to sow a few seeds per container and wait to have a small plant after about 30-45 days. In the germination and growth phase, the plant is more fragile, so climate, water, solar location, etc. will have to be more controlled.

Some tips for the organic garden

Some of the advice given by the experts in this organic port is the association of crops. That is, it is ideal to plant some plants that somehow benefit from each other. It may be because they are supplemented with the nutrients they need or because some repel insects that bother others. Some of the examples is sow the beetroot and carrot, basil and tomato, lettuce, spinach and trays.

Another idea they usually give is that of crop rotation. For the soil to rest over time, it is better to let it rest to crops that are less demanding in terms of water and nutrients.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about organic gardening and how to carry it out.

Organic garden: what is it, characteristics and tips

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