How to fertilize an orange tree: the best tips and tricks

Orange is one of the most famous crops in the world since it is widely consumed. Therefore, the correct care of the orange tree is quite important in order to increase the production of oranges. You have to take some aspects into account when learning how to fertilize an orange tree to be able to […]

When to plant orange and lemon trees

If you have a more or less spacious garden, or a patio where you can have large pots, you may have considered planting a fruit tree, even one of the dwarfs, to enjoy its size and, incidentally, to have « free fruit ». The most common, due to their functionality, are orange and lemon trees […]

How to Plant Green Beans: The Best Tips and Tricks

Green beans are also known as kidney beans and belong to the legume family. They contain a large amount of protein, minerals and fiber. They are known throughout the world and are characterized by having a climbing part. There are many varieties known as low bush or dwarf beans, which have a moderate growth and […]

Can you have a potted bamboo?

Image – Wikimedia/Neo Can you have a potted bamboo? And of course I’m talking about the real bamboosand not of those other plants that, without having any relationship with them, are also known by that name, as is the case of the bamboo or areca palm (Deeply shining), or lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii). So, focusing […]

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