How to grow bok choy? The keys to a good harvest

what is bok choy

what is bok choy

Bok choy, also known by its scientific name Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis, is a Chinese cabbage. Goodbye. But, those who have tried it have seen that it not only allows you to eat a vegetable that is grown from summer to autumn, and even winter, but also has multiple properties.

Therefore, this time we are going to give you the keys so that you can grow bok choy at home very easily. More if we take into account that it is fast growing. Go for it?

The properties of bok choy

First of all, we have told you before about the multiple properties of bok choy. However, we have not told you what they are and it is possible that you do not know them (and that is why you still do not dare to plant them in your garden).

You should know that bok choy is a great source of vitamin A, B6, C, and K. But it not only has vitamins, but you can find much more: calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, and magnesium, among others.

On a nutritional level, it has very few calories and carbohydrates, but it does have fiber and a lot of water.

This vegetable will help you improve your muscles and also your nerves. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular problems.

It is also a good source of antioxidant components (the one named before vitamin C). But it is that it also protects the body from free radicals. To this we must add its anti-inflammatory effect and the prevention of cancer itself.

Now, that does not mean that you have to abuse your intake. In fact, it is not recommended for people who have thyroid problems and in excess it can conflict if they take anticoagulants.

How to grow bok choy

bok choy growing

bok choy growing

If after reading the properties that bok choy has you consider that it is a food that you should introduce into your diet, nothing better than coming from the garden to your table, right?

Growing bok choy in an urban or home garden is not difficult, quite the contrary. You just have to take into account a series of steps that will help you get the best result.

And what are those steps? We indicate them to you.

Choose the variety of bok choy

Bok choy, or pak choi, as you can also find it in other places, is actually not just one. It has many varieties and depending on the area where you live, what you want to get, etc. you should choose one or the other.

The variety of bok choy is characterized by the fact that the stems are white and usually wide, with oval and green leaves.

However, you can also come across purple bok choy, or pak choi, which differs from the other in that the stems are green and the leaves take on a darker hue.

Another of the most cultivated is the tatsoi, a variety of bok choy with thin, white stems, while the leaves are smaller and darker green.

Choose where you are going to put your garden

The next step that you must control is the location of your garden. In general, bok choy needs a very nutritious substrate that also has good drainage. In addition, they need between 3 and 5 hours of direct sun a day. At first it can be semi-shade so that the sun does not burn too much, but later you will need to make it stronger.

Therefore, we recommend that you either have it in pots (in this case, a planter is better) or, if you have a garden, in a hole where you can keep it from drafts and have plenty of light and a few hours of direct sun.

growing bok choy

growing bok choy

Planting the bok choy seeds

The next step you will have to do is plant. And in this case you have two options:

Plant the seeds. It is the first way and the one that many carry out. These, if they germinate well, can mean that in just 45-60 days you can already collect some. However, you must bear in mind that there is a high probability that the seeds will end up sprouting.

Plant young plants. It is the one we recommend the most because this way you will avoid having to see if the seeds germinate or not and you will also shorten the harvest days somewhat.

In the first case, with the seeds, you will have to sow them 0.5-1cm deep (as you can see, very on the surface) because, being very small, they cannot be too deep to germinate.

Cover with a thin layer of soil and spray with water to keep the soil moist. This is important as it is what will help them germinate.

Another option is to germinate them earlier, allowing them to spend about 24 hours in water before planting them to speed up the process.

In the second case, with the young plants, you must transplant them into a loose and well-drained soil. You should maintain a separation between plants of between 15 and 30 centimeters.

How to know if they have taken the plants

One of the biggest questions that planting seedlings can cause you is knowing when you can stop worrying about them. And that is easy in this case: at the moment when new leaves appear. This way you will know that it is well adapted and that it will begin to develop and grow.

At that moment is when you can start adding some fertilizer to cover the needs that the plant may need to flourish and grow.

care for bok choy

bok choy flowers

bok choy flowers

Irrigation, lighting and above all treating the pests that can attack it (aphids, larvae, whitefly, snails and slugs) will be your task during the time it will take to be harvested. Although calm, because it will not be much.


45-50 days after planting the bok choy, the plant will be mature and you can start harvesting.

To do this you have to take a knife and always cut the stem flush with the ground.

As you can see, growing bok choy is not difficult. And in exchange you can have a food with multiple benefits for your health. So go ahead and try it. Its flavor is very mild and is similar to cabbage and chard at the same time. Have you ever tried it?

How to grow bok choy? The keys to a good harvest

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