
What is the treatment against the white aphid?

The white aphid is one of the best known pests in the world of gardening since it affects both indoor and outdoor plants. It is relatively easy to be able to identify the symptoms of the appearance of these insects that kill our plants. There are many people looking for what are the main white […]

Cherry Blossom: The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom Varieties

The cherry blossom is one of the most beautiful in the plant kingdom. However, what you may not know is that there are multiple varieties, not just the best known, which would be the Sakura flower. If you want to know some of the most beautiful flowers you will find in the world, we present […]

How to prune a yucca: when, types and steps to do it

Do you have a cassava at home? Also known as cassava or cassava, it is a plant that can grow up to several meters in height. For this reason, it is important to know how to prune a yucca since this care can help you control both its shape and size, but you will also […]

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