How to prune a yucca: when, types and steps to do it

How to prune a yucca

How to prune a yucca

Do you have a cassava at home? Also known as cassava or cassava, it is a plant that can grow up to several meters in height. For this reason, it is important to know how to prune a yucca since this care can help you control both its shape and size, but you will also help it grow and develop new branches and leaves.

Now, when is it done? And how? If you are also wondering, then we give you all the keys so that you take it into account. Keep reading and you will see.

When should yucca be pruned?

yucca plant on bush

yucca plant on bush

The best time to prune yucca is in late winter or early spring. The reason is simple and it is that, during those months, it has a phase of slow growth or even stopped until the temperatures begin to rise.

If we also take into account that we are talking about a tropical plant that does not like low temperatures at all, then it is normal to think that you have to be careful with these. But also with pruning and that there is frost or the cold returns because, being weaker, it can easily get sick.

Steps to prune a yucca

If you have a yucca at home and you have realized that you need to prune it, then we are going to give you all the keys so that you can do it in the best possible way.

Preliminary steps: prepare everything

Pruning is not something you should do without planning. On the one hand, you have to make sure that the plant you are going to prune has a suitable pruning period (and coincides with when you want to prune it. On the other hand, you have to have the tools at hand in order to get the job done as quickly as possible without stress the plant.

Depending on how the cassava is, you will have to use some tools or others. Of course, they must be clean and sharp to avoid damaging the plant. It is recommended to cut the branches and leaves that are dry, damaged or sick, as well as those that are growing in the wrong direction or that are obstructing the passage of light and air to the center of the plant.

Also, keep in mind that cassava contains a toxic latex that can irritate the skin and eyes, so it is recommended to wear gloves and eye protection when handling the plant.

Once you have everything, you can continue with the next step.

types of pruning

cassava leaves

cassava leaves

When pruning a yucca, you should know that there are different types of pruning, more appropriate depending on the objective you want to achieve.

In general, the types of pruning are the following:

  • Maintenance pruning, in which you will have to clean up to remove branches and suckers that can damage the plant, as well as maintain its shape, size, etc.
  • Flowering pruning, which is done in spring for the plant to flower. For this, only the branches that flowered the previous time are cut, always two knots above the ground.
  • Renewal of the cassava, consisting of eliminating the weakest or diseased part of the plant to rejuvenate it and return it to its full splendor.

When it comes to pruning, it does not mean that you can only use one type of pruning. Sometimes two of them are used to promote the development of the plant. What you should keep in mind is not to subject it to stress if you notice that it is sick or that there are pests in it. It is preferable to treat them before pruning them (or prune them as a last resort to get it going).

Step by step in pruning

yucca flower

yucca flower

Now yes, we are going to help you prune a yucca and that it recovers as quickly as possible. To do this, we recommend following the recommendations below:

Mark which will be the branches and leaves that you are going to prune

This can help you to be on the safe side and not cut those that are fine or should not be removed.

If you do not know what they can be, we will tell you that we are talking about dry, sick, damaged branches and leaves or those that do not look like you want your yucca to have.

If you never see how the plant would look after pruning, try taking a photo of it and, if you are proficient with a mobile or computer application, you could do a virtual pruning, a way of seeing how it would look by removing the parts you have marked.

Once you have it, you will have to translate it into your yucca tree, but you should not think of this as something complicated. It’s actually quite easy, and yucca is one of the hardiest plants around, so don’t be afraid.

Also, if you go too far with pruning you can always wait for it to grow, something that it usually does relatively quickly.

clean the area

Once you finish pruning, it is important that you remove all the branches and leaves that you have cut and that you leave the area clean. We are not saying this just because you maintain a good order, but because those branches and leaves can be a source of entry for pests and diseases and for this reason, if you prevent it by collecting all those parts that are no longer part of the plant.

In principle, we do not recommend that you apply fertilizer or preventive treatments for pests or diseases.

But if you have a problem then yes you will have to do it.

Protect the cassava

Finally, you must be aware that pruning yuccas is something that stresses them a lot, in addition to leaving them weak. This means that when you do it, it is best to place it in a semi-shaded area until, 3-4 days later, you can put it back in its usual place (that is, if you have it in full sun, it is best to move it to semi-shade).

And if it is planted in the garden? In this case, you would have to buy or use a shading mesh for a few days so that it does not get direct sun.

Now that you know how to prune a yucca, if you have one at home it will be easier for you to carry out this care. So if you dare to do it, and this guide can help you, go ahead. Do you have any more tips for others on yucca pruning?

How to prune a yucca: when, types and steps to do it

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