Calathea white fusion, the most attractive variegated leaf

Calathea white fusion

If you want to have a plant that looks like the most expensive ones, but doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg, then calatheas may be your solution. But not just anyone: we are talking about the Calathea white fusion, the variegated plant that will be the envy of everyone who passes by your house.

But what is this plant like? Is it for anyone? What care do you need? If right now you have fallen in love with the main image of this article, keep reading and you will know much more about it.

How is the Calathea white fusion

Leaves with green and white hue

The first thing we have to tell you is that Calathea white fusion, also called Calathea Charlotte, it is not actually a prayer plant. That is to say, although it has the characteristic that its leaves fold at night, in reality it does not do so like a true maranta, which is the genus that has this ability. It does so depending on the lighting it receives.

It is native to central Mexico and South America, and it is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 60 centimeters tall (it would go up to 30 centimeters wide).

It was discovered by Taiyan Yam in 2007. and it was he who propagated it from its mother plant, which is Calathea Lietzei. Being so beautiful, many wanted one and that is why it is one of the most appreciated, even though now it can be found relatively easily.

Leaves of the Calathea white fusion

Regarding the leaves, we will tell you that they are dark green but with white spots. It is as if it were a variegated calathea. Behind, it maintains the magenta tone in its leaves, which reaches the stem.

grows up pretty fastat least in terms of the leaves, and if it is given the appropriate care, you will not have a problem with it.

What you should know, as with many variegated plants, is that it can be reversed, that is, its leaves can start to come out completely green and lose those characteristic white spots. When this happens there is usually no turning back and the main reason is usually the lack of adequate lighting.

Do you throw flowers?

Not all calatheas flower, and in the case of Calathea white fusion, in its natural habitat it does, but as an indoor plant it doesn’t usually.

The flowers of this plant are small and purple, white or yellow in color.

Calathea white fusion care

detail of the leaves

Now that you know a little more about Calathea white fusion, you might want to own one. And this is where we are going to stop. This plant is not ideal for beginners. Neither for people who have many plants and cannot be aware of it.

And it is that it is quite demanding in care, to the point that it can die and lose its leaves if you are a little careless. A lot or little sun, a lot or little watering, a lot or little humidity… everything affects it. Therefore, it is not a plant that we recommend you have and forget about, because you will lose it.

Also, either you find its place or the plant suffers.

Therefore, if you still see yourself capable, follow these conditions to have more opportunities to succeed.

location and temperature

Calathea white fusion likes light, but not direct. In fact, contrary to other Calatheas, this plant prefers bright indirect light than semi-shade or little light, because it does not do well.

If you go too far, the leaves will turn white. If you go short, they will turn very green and you may lose the white spots.

Experts recommend that you look for a north or east orientation.

As for the temperature, its ideal is between 15 and 21ºC. Therefore, the best thing is that it is inside the house. If the temperature drops below 10ºC the calathea suffers, and it will not only stunt its growth, but it can freeze or discolor all the foliage.

It is also not suitable for you to place it in an area where there are many currents, because it will weaken it.


Tropical plants, such as Calathea white fusion, need the soil to maintain moisture, while having good drainage.

That’s why, it is best to make a mixture between universal substrate, peat and charcoal, perlite and orchid bark. In this way you will have adequate soil to withstand humidity and there are no water retentions.

Irrigation and humidity

Details of the white fusion blades

Irrigation is one of the most important care there is, perhaps one of the greatest. As we have told you before, the Calathea white fusion needs a moist soil, which implies that you should water it moderately. But if you go too far you will rot the roots. And if you stay short the leaves will curl up and the plant will appear withered.

Always try to irrigate with water free of chlorine and fluoride (say goodbye to tap water). Unless you leave it at least 48 hours to rest and do not use it at all.

Irrigation can be:

  • In spring and summer about 2-3 times a week.
  • In autumn and winter 1-2 times a week.

Everything will depend on the climate you have, where it is, and what the plant is like.

Regarding humidity, here is the key for your Calathea white fusion to be happy. And something that is not easy to achieve.

It needs a humidity of at least 75%. To do this, either group it with other plants, mist, put a tray of water and pebbles, or a humidifier. The best choice? The last one, because you can control the humidity it has and thus you will be able to keep it well watched.


At this point it is not too demanding. It likes a nitrogen-rich fertilizer and can be applied in spring and summer, at the rate of once a month.

Yes indeed, we recommend that you always use it at half its concentrationbecause if you add too much, its roots will burn.

Plagues and diseases

We are not going to tell you that it is resistant, because it is not. Also, it attracts many pests. The most common are mites, spider mites, aphids, fungus mosquitoes and mealybugs.

Regarding diseases, the most important is caused by an excess of watering and humidity; but it can also be affected by a nutrient deficiency.

Do you dare now to have a Calathea white fusion?

Calathea white fusion, the most attractive variegated leaf

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