How to care for white camellias: most important care

How to care for white camellias

White camellias are one of the most beautiful flowering plants in the plant kingdom. But for you to have one and enjoy it, you need to know everything you need to provide it so that its health is as adequate as possible.

That’s why, How about we give you a hand and give you the keys on the most important care for white camellias? In this way, you will be able to enjoy its flowering and also it will not die at the first change. Do you want to know how to do it?

White camellias care

Detail of white camellia flower

When it comes to providing the most important care for white camellias, it is essential that you know what their main needs are and know how to satisfy them.

In return the plant will give you some beautiful white flowers, one of the most appreciated. But how to get it?

location and temperature

This is one of the most important white camellias care there is. Perhaps the one who can tell the difference between a well-cared for and another that is not.

In general, camellias, like any other plant, should be outdoors. But this one is tricky. On the one hand, he doesn’t like being changed places every two by three. On the other, it does not tolerate drafts. And finally, he likes the sun, but not direct.

Of these three points, the third is the one that we must clarify because, although it is true that it does not like direct sun, it can tolerate sunlight early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Why do we tell you that? Because if you have it only in semi-shade or in shade, it will not flower well. If, on the other hand, you give it those hours of sun, things will change.

If you see that the leaves wither or burn, it will be because it has too many hours of light (direct or indirect), which will prevent it from flowering (because it will focus on recovering the leaves, not on putting out flowers).

Regarding the temperature, They are plants that tolerate both cold and heat well. But they like to have a mild temperature as much as possible. In other words: if there is frost, or extreme heat, it is best to protect it because it can suffer to the point of death.


We recommend that the soil for white camellias have an acidic pH. In addition, it will depend on whether you have it as a shrub on the ground or as a plant in a pot.

If you have it in a pot, We recommend that you mix substrate for acidic plants with some drainage such as perlite or even soil for orchids. You can also include some universal substrate or worm humus to keep the soil moist.

However, if you are going to plant it in the ground, it is best to check the pH of the soil and, depending on the result, include soil that is consistent with the pH of acid plants, such as blonde peat.


lovely white flower

Before we have told you that white camellias like to have moist soil. But if you go too far with watering you will end up drowning it and thereby rotting the roots. That’s why, It is important to take into account two important factors:

The frequency of watering: in general you should water two or three times a week in summer; and one or two in winter.

The type of water: do not think about using water with lime, because it will kill the plant. Failing that, the best is rainwater.

One of the keys that can help you to know if you are overwatering is for the plant to drop the flower buds before they open. If it does, it means that it is flooded. and the best thing in these cases is to check the soil and, if necessary, do an emergency transplant by changing the pot and removing all the soil for a dry one.


White camellias do not usually grow fast, rather they are very slow. Besides, flowering wears them out a lot, that’s why they need a fertilizer for acidic plants.

Apply it in spring and summer (as long as you have not transplanted at that time, if so it is better not to throw it). In general, it should be paid at least once a month. But the dose to be applied is less than the one indicated by the fertilizer manufacturer (to avoid overfertilization).


Within the care of white camellias, pruning is essential for the plant to be healthy. And also for it to continue to flourish.

Therefore, when pruning, you must do it in mid february. At that time it should no longer have flowers and your task will be to break the branches (always cut between the second and third bud).

Besides, if you see branches that are sick, weak, in poor condition or that harm other branches, you should also remove them.

Plagues and diseases

White flowers

Camellia, like other plants, you also have to deal with pests and diseases. In the first case, the most important are scale insects. But others such as aphids, mealybugs, slugs, spiders, mites or worms can put the plant at risk. That is why, if you detect something strange, it is best to remedy it and prevent it from affecting you.

As for diseases, the most important and that you will have to check are blight (which affects the flower), root rot (due to bad watering), or canker.


To end, the propagation of camellias can be done between plants. To do this, you just have to get some cuttings from the plant. Make sure these have leaves.

Next, you will have to put them in a pot and water them (rather moisten the soil and make sure it stays that way) so that they end up taking root. It is advisable to put them in a place with indirect light (only when you see that they begin to sprout can they be placed so that it gives them a little direct light).

As you can see, the care of white camellias is not difficult. Of course, be careful when watering them so that the water does not fall on the petals since they can stain or burn with the sun. Do you have questions about how to care for them? Ask us if so.

How to care for white camellias: most important care

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