How to shine the leaves of plants and clean them thoroughly

How to shine the leaves of plants

If you have indoor plants, you will see how, over time, their leaves lose their natural shine, the one that comes to us when we just bought it. Dust buildup, as well as from day to day, can cause blades to dull. So, how to shine the leaves of plants? Can?

If you have a plant with leaves and you see that they are more greyish, or that they don’t seem to shine, we are going to give you some remedies to get them back to the color that you fell in love with at first sight. Shall we start?

Why shine the leaves of your plants

It would have been a plant

You should know that, on a day-to-day basis, just as dust and dirt accumulate on the furniture (and it is the reason why you have to clean it often so that it does not show), the same also happens with the floors. Over time, that dust that turns off the color of its leaves is deposited on its leaves.

However, it is also a problem for your health as it prevents them from carrying out photosynthesis as they should and that increases the probability of getting sick.

In addition to your health, There are other reasons why you should clean and shine the leaves of indoor plants; even to the exterior ones. Which is it? We discuss them below:

So that they grow more. By having clean leaves, photosynthesis can be done much better, and that will result in greater growth, and faster, because it will be healthy.

It will improve your protection against pests and diseases. Especially due to the fact that these plants will be healthier and will be able to fight much more easily (and effectively) any pest and disease that dares to approach them (always with your help, of course).

You should keep in mind that giving shine is closely related to cleaning the plants. Although there are products on the market that shine the leaves, these are sometimes not recommended because they form a film that prevents them from photosynthesis, which would harm overall health. But there are ways to get that glow. And we’re talking about them right now.

How to shine the leaves of plants

shiny plant

In order for the leaves of your plants to shine, the first thing to make sure is that they are clean. Sometimes carrying out a cleaning (ideally, you should do it twice a month) already makes the leaves shine by itself.

When doing it, you should keep in mind that you can have different types of leaves: with hairs, smooth, curved, with spikes… And of course, This requires having different cleaning systems at hand, such as:

A cloth: is the most usual. Of course, make sure to use it on plants and leaves that really do not cause a problem (not on those that can get lint stuck or that will dirty more than clean).

A toothbrush: if possible with soft cells, for those leaves with roughness or that have spikes, since this way you can clean them correctly and at the same time you will not have a problem of hurting yourself.

A sponge: For the most delicate or hairy leaves, it may be the best option in this case, since you can gently place the sponge on each part of the leaf and when you squeeze, the water will come out and help clean it.

Also, you should consider cleaning (and polishing) when you know that the sheets can dry out quickly. There are many plants that if their leaves are wet for a long time they can rot, and it is not what you want.

Now yes, there are many methods to polish the leaves of plants. Here are the ones that work best:


One of the first, and also the one that you will have the most at hand, is water. It is one of the best remedies to clean and shine the leaves. Now, the following must be taken into account:

If the leaves don’t look very dirty, using a water-dampened cloth and wiping it across the leaf will surely remove the dust while giving your plants the shine you want.

But if the sheets are very dirty, because a lot of dust has gotten in, there has been a wind, or because you haven’t cleaned them in a long time, then just water may not be enough. In these cases you will have to add a little natural soap to the water (hands, shower) and rub each of the leaves with the cloth so that it is very clean. Then, with another cloth only with water you will have to remove the soap that could be left so that they are well rinsed.

This will serve you for yet another function: the prevention of pests and diseases, because by keeping it clean and protected, you will help them not to approach it.

Abrillantador natural

plant with shiny leaves

Another option that you can use to clean and shine the leaves of plants is a natural polish. That is to say, apply products that you can have at home to give shine to the leaves.

The most common, and which are known to work, are beer, milk, vinegar or olive oil.

In this case, it is recommended to use them after making sure that the leaves are very clean (with soap and water) so that, when applying them, you do not have to rinse them afterwards.

Aceite de neem

Neem oil is one of the products used to treat some pests. and also to prevent their attacks. Being oil, you will make sure that the leaves of the plants shine and that is why it is another of the remedies to give shine that we recommend, in addition to fulfilling the protection function.

chemical brighteners

They are the ones you find in stores. These tend to leave a waxy and shiny appearance, but you must bear in mind that they can greatly harm the photosynthesis of plants. Therefore, read the packaging very well to find out if it is really a good idea to use it with your plants or if one of the previous remedies is better.

We know that shining plant leaves is not a quick process to do. Not only because you have many or few plants, but because each one will have many leaves and you must do the process manually and one by one. But it is the best way to keep them healthy and also keep an eye on them for possible pests and diseases. Have you ever cleaned your plants and given shine? Do you recommend any tricks?

How to shine the leaves of plants and clean them thoroughly

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