How to plant blackberry: Tips for cultivation and harvest time

Planting blackberries is quite simple

If you like blackberries, surely you have already considered growing them more than once. But do you know how to plant blackberry? It really is a very simple process. Nevertheless, It is essential that we know what the optimal conditions are for these vegetables. If not, most likely our cultivation will not be successful.

But don’t worry. In this article we will mention which are the most cultivated varieties, how to plant blackberry And how long does it take to bear fruit? We will also talk about the optimal conditions and aftercare that these plants require. In short: Everything you need to know to grow delicious blackberries! Do not miss it.

The most cultivated varieties

The Mediterranean blackberry better supports hot climates

Before explaining how to plant blackberries, let’s first see which varieties are most widely grown worldwide. We can distinguish between two groups: The thorny and the unarmed, which are spineless:

  • Prickly blackberries: Ashton Cross, Bailey, Bedford Giant, Cherokee, Dewberry, Himalaya, Loganberry, Runguer, Tupi, Youngberry, etc.
  • Unarmed blackberries: Aurora, Black Diamond, Black Satin, Darrow, Dirksen, Evergreen, Loch Ness, Smoothstem, Thornfree, Thornless, etc.

It is also worth noting the existence of the Mediterranean Blackberry, whose scientific name is Rubus ulmifolius L.. It differs mainly from the others by being able to withstand much hotter climates, which we can already imagine from its name. Therefore, if we live in the Mediterranean area, this is perhaps the most recommended blackberry for our cultivation.

How to plant blackberry: Tips

The blackberry is a very invasive plant

When it comes to planting blackberries, this task is not very complicated. We simply have to dig a hole and introduce the plant there. It must be said that it is a very invasive plant, so if we are not careful it will end up invading our entire garden or garden. Thus, it is best to build a terrace to control its growth. Otherwise, planting blackberries is a piece of cake. However, for our cultivation to be successful, there are a number of aspects that we must take into account, such as location, climate, maintenance, etc.

Optimal conditions

Blackberries are used to humid and temperate climates. Therefore, they do not tolerate much heat nor did they follow it. However, in order for them to mature properly, they need to go through a brief period of heat during the summer season. This is one of the main factors to achieve greater production, along with the hours of cold.

As for the soil, luckily they are not very demanding. However, blackberries generally prefer to be moist and have good drainage. In addition, it is recommended that the pH is neutral or slightly acidic. On the other hand, the Mediterranean blackberry supports alkaline soils with a little moisture much better. It should be said that the genus to which this plant belongs, called Rubusis very extensive. Therefore, it is not surprising that climatic and environmental conditions vary greatly depending on the species.

To help our blackberry grow and develop properly, we must add an extra organic matter to the soil. For this we can use compost o humus, both are excellent options to nourish these vegetables.


It should be noted that blackberries, when they grow wild, create a tangle of branches and stems. This is because these vegetables generate roots that sprout from the stems once they touch the ground. That is why it is essential that we support the stems when we grow blackberries. If they start to touch the ground, everything will end up getting entangled and it will make harvesting the fruits considerably difficult, thus wasting a good part of the production.

For the same reason also it is essential to prune the blackberry. It is usually done in summer. The idea is to remove all dry and lignified branches. These arise after having fructified. So the best time to remove them is right after the harvest of the fruits. It is also highly recommended to carry out a pruning in winter, known as topping. This basically serves to help early breakouts. These shoots will be the ones that bear fruit in the next season.

field blackberries

Related article:

Thornless blackberry care

Another fundamental aspect of caring for any plant is irrigation. In the case of the blackberry, this It should be rare but frequent. The root system of these plants does not go very deep into the ground. In fact, it usually stays at a very superficial level. For this reason, it is vital not to flood the soil, so as not to drown the roots, and to water with little water but more frequently. This aspect becomes even more important during the flowering and fruit set season, as usually happens in fruit crops. The best option we have for blackberries is to use a drip irrigation system.

Regarding the multiplication of this vegetable, this does not suppose any problem, as you can already imagine. Rather the complete opposite. However, if we want to reproduce our blackberry, it is as simple as cutting the protruding stems of it and putting them in the ground. They will not take long to take root, given their extraordinary capabilities. With a little patience and irrigation, we will have another blackberry in no time.

How long does it take for a blackberry to bear fruit?

The fruits of the blackberry are collected in summer

Now that we know how to plant blackberries, it’s time to answer the big question: When will it bear fruit? While it is true that blackberries are very similar to raspberries, there is a very important difference. While raspberries can be picked twice each year, blackberries only have a single annual harvest.

Luckily we won’t have to wait long for our first blackberries, as this plant has an early production capacity. While fruit trees generally take between five and seven years to reach their optimum production, blackberries do so already in the second year. The season of the year in which we can enjoy its delicious fruits is in summer.

I recommend that you try to grow blackberries yourself if you live in a place where the weather conditions allow it, of course. Apart from being very pretty, the fruits are delicious.

How to plant blackberry: Tips for cultivation and harvest time

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