Acacia bonsai: Know the different bonsai with this species

To talk of the acacia in bonsai or acacia bonsai, however you want to say, first it is necessary to know what a bonsai is, a word from Japan which has the meaning of BON as a tray and SAI as a cultivar, but its etymology comes from the Chinese word penzai.acacia bonsai

History of the acacia bonsai

This bonsai art has come from China for 2 millennia to honor eternity and divine union with humanity, seeking to model its silhouette through procedures such as transplanting, pruning, pinching and wiring, and although it is not genetically reduced, it is It preserves this size by cutting its roots and leaves periodically, as well as its trunk, so that if it is executed correctly it can last many years, otherwise it will not last long.

The acacia dealbata in bonsai

acacia bonsaithe bonsai of acacia dealbata which is known as mimosa is a plant that is located in Australia and can also be seen in Tasmania. It is used for decorating environments, and has the advantage of growing fast, having a life span of 30 years. Its trunk is light grayish and smooth with very leafy leaves, with branches that have smaller leaves on their own leaves. If it manages to flower, these will be yellow with a very rich smell.

The farnesian acacia in bonsai

acacia bonsaiThe Acacia farnesiana bonsai has the shape of a round shrub with very small thorns when it is an adult. Its leaves are complemented by many pairs of smaller leaves. When it is young, its bark is smooth and its thin trunk is light in color, but when it is an adult it cracks and begins to take on gray tones. If it manages to flower, these will be born in small flowers grouped in 3 yellow units with an exquisite aroma.

The mimosa acacia in bonsai

The mimosa acacia bonsai, which is also known as acacia dealbata, can be seen in Australian regions as well as in Tasmania. Its characteristics allow it to grow rapidly, which is highly sought after for garden and house ornaments. In a natural environment it can be seen at altitudes of up to a thousand meters above sea level, having a life expectancy of a maximum of 30 years of age. Its smooth gray trunk is easy to handle as are its branches and leaves complemented by smaller leaves. Its flowering is yellow and aromatic.

Constantinople acacia in bonsai

the bonsai of acacia of constantinople It is also known as the Silk Tree, it is not considered as an acacia, but it belongs to a similar genus called Albizia belonging to the same family mimosoideae. It comes from various Asian regions and is seen in Korea and China. Its bark is almost black but turns green over time and has a leafy crown. It is a deciduous tree and its leaves are made up of much smaller and longer leaves. If it manages to bloom, these will be light purple with pink tones, you also have a rich aroma.acacia bonsai

red acacia bonsai

The red acacia bonsai is a tree that is characterized by having red-toned leaves, but pigmentation close to orange has also been seen, which comes from different regions of Madagascar, tropical and subtropical areas of different continents of the planet where trees inhabit. of deciduous leaves. Despite its color, its flowers will be yellow and white, which are born around long leaves that are made up of many pairs of smaller leaves.

Acacia bonsai care

Acacia bonsai are trees that are carefully handled and styled to maintain a certain size, this in order to make it look old and to use it as an ornament.

styling techniques

To style the acacia bonsai, important techniques are used to control all parts of the acacia bonsai through the removal of dry leaves that are below its branches and even removing some secondary branches to make it look more mature. With pruning, branches and roots of different sizes are removed to give it the silhouette that is required over time.acacia bonsai

With wires and staples, the trunk and branches can be given shape and position, grafts can be made if the birth of more branches is required or to strengthen their roots, with the defoliation the leaves are extracted from the union of the root with the leaf to force the growth of mature and smaller leaves, but over time they resume their size, taking into account that this last technique weakens the tree and should not be done in less than 2 consecutive years. The deadwood technique allows you to give a dry or deadwood look to certain parts of the tree to make it look older.


To take care of the acacia bonsai correctly, it must be known that it must grow having temperatures and conditions similar to those of the outside, so it must have an appropriate watering according to the species, it must have a limited amount of land and space for its roots do not grow more than is needed so repotting to other pots stops growth temporarily. Regarding its temperature, it can be removed to warmer places when it is winter and to colder places when it is hot and in terms of natural light, some species need direct sunlight while those in the shade do not grow well if the temperature is exceeded. exposure to sunlight.

Acacia bonsai: Know the different bonsai with this species

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