Acacia robinia (White acacia or ball acacia): What you should know

Robinia locust, or false locust, is a tree belonging to the Fabaceae family of plants that is native to the eastern parts of the US but has been seen in other regions as well. It grows naturally in the eastern United States, although it has been introduced to other countries. Is a acacia which is considered as one of the 3 types of fake acacia trees and used in different regions to decorate gardens and streets.

locust robinia

Description of the acacia robinia

The acacia robinia or pseudoacacia It is a plant that generally measures 25 meters high and the diameter of its trunk does not exceed 1 m, but it has come to see some that are 50 meters high and a diameter of 16 meters, but more than anything in some that have very old, with the bark having very dark tones and quite deep cracks. In the part where the leaves join the stem called the petiole and the part where the leaves of the plant protrude, called the rachis, it can measure up to 25 cm in length, having 9 to 19 spaces between leaves, which is known as as leaflets and in certain parts a class of spines that grow after their linear birth stipules.

These usually fall very early and in the young robinia acacia can measure up to 2 cm and when they are adults they tend to be smaller. There are also other types that do not have thorns and are rounder in shape. It presents a flowering with a lot of fragrance in groups in the form of pendulous bouquets that can measure between 8 cm and 20 cm, which are bell-shaped, with certain protuberances and hairs that have 5 teeth. locust robiniaThe interior zone of what surrounds the flower known as the corolla does not have a butterfly shape with the androecium, which is the male reproductive organ that has about 10 threads where 9 are attached and the last one is released from the base.

Like all acacia, it presents a small legume that can measure from 4 cm to 12 cm long, brown in color with a triangular shape that is deeply divided and has between 4 and 10 kidney-shaped seeds and a mixture of colors with brown and orange tones. and dark spots, where its maturation ends before winter arrives but falls from the tree when spring arrives.

Distribution and habitat of the acacia robinia

The robinia acacia is native to the Appalachian mountains of the United States extending to Canada in the south and reaching England in the south, passing through Sweden, it has also been seen in Grace, also spreading through the southern mountains of Italy and being found throughout the Cantabrian slope and some regions of eastern Spain. They have also been seen in European countries such as France, Belgium, Germany, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Romania, Switzerland, and in regions above Italy. Its extension can also reach other countries such as Tunisia, Turkey, South Korea, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Chile and China.

locust robinia

In South American countries like Argentina you can see the robinia acacia in rural areas and in other regions where they have obtained ideal environments for their good development such as Buenos Aires, La Pampa, in the center and south of Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe. In regions such as the Iberian peninsula, it was planted in areas where the climate was optimal for its development, such as to the east of the Cantabrian coast and to the north of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic where there were births of different numbers. But it has been used mostly for ornamental purposes and as a result of this a denser type was cultivated in order to create a shady environment that does not have thorns, but in some regions it is feared for its wide expansion, despite the fact that it is not an invasive species.

Use of acacia robinia

locust robiniaFrom the acacia robinia the wood used in carts is extracted, to make frames, and carving techniques, also for the manufacture of furniture, playgrounds in gardens and even for parquet. Its preference is mainly for its firmness and its durability to make these objects, although it is sometimes used as firewood. In this tree the bees make the well-known acacia honey. Worldwide it is used as an ornament for squares, parks, gardens and even cities. Despite the seeds are toxic, they can produce symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach pain, tachycardia and even anorexia in animals, showing them after an hour of eating them, so they should be taken to the vet immediately.

But in countries like Italy it is also used as ingredients for desserts since its flowers, which are the only thing that can be consumed, Robinia pseudoacacia is widely used in homeopathy for its medicinal benefits to make painkillers, syrups and emollients as is the case with the narrowest acacia.locust robinia

Acacia robinia care

This type of tree, despite not needing special and constant care, since it adapts very well to different environments, to different terrains, and can even survive with very low care, requires certain steps to allow it to develop correctly.

planting and cultivation

For the acacia robinia to develop optimally, it must be at a minimum temperature of 15ºC during the day and 7ºC at night, although they can withstand lower temperatures.


The pruning of the acacia robinia should be done in autumn since it has flowered and its foliage is extensive, and it should only be done to maintain its original silhouette and for it to flower better, it is better ventilated and to eliminate branches and dry leaves. In the event that you want to cut branches, you must do as close as possible to the point where said branch originates.

Acacia robinia (White acacia or ball acacia): What you should know

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