Biome: what is it, characteristics, importance and types

desert biome

When we talk about ecosystems and nature, a concept known by the name of biome. The biome is related to natural biology and science and it is a concept also used in climatology. A biome is a geographical area that is usually large in size and in which there are groups of animals and plants that remain in this place thanks to the ability that they have to adapt to the environment. It can be said that they are capable of living in the environment that surrounds them even if there are changes in environmental conditions.

In this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the biome and what are the different types that exist.

What is a biome

terrestrial ecosystems

We are talking about a place where plants and animals can live because they have a capacity to adapt to the environment. It is a geographical area that has special characteristics both from environmental conditions as biotic and abiotic agentss. The variable that determines the area of ​​distribution of animal and plant species is climate. It is the variable that most influences the distribution of animal and plant organisms. With the type of soil that exists in a place, certain species of plants can be generated that are capable of developing different species of animals.

For all this, it can be said that it is the climate that determines the existence of one biome or another.

Key features


Due to the action of man and the effects of climate change, changes are taking place in the characteristics of the climate at a global level. Many of the species that live in natural conditions are not able to adapt and survive in the face of new conditions and new scenarios. Those species that are not able to adapt and end up dying.

A biome significantly affects the characteristics of natural environments. If the biome has very little abundance of a certain species, it is an important limiting factor for the survival of the rest. Let’s not forget that all animals are connected by the food web. It is important to learn that biomes are modified by human actions. It is these actions that are capable of altering the natural balance of the elements that compose it. There are many species that live in a biome and many of them are hardly known.

Importance of a biome

marine ecosystems

In today’s urbanized and industrialized society, it is difficult to see the vital importance of plants in the world. There are many people who do not believe that plants play such an important role on the planet. The most important thing that makes plants vital in our lives is that without them, animal life on Earth would die.. That is, herbivorous animals could not feed and therefore carnivorous animals would not have food. The chain would be broken and the functioning of natural ecosystems would be destroyed. That would affect us too. That is, we consume many plants to obtain nutrients for our health and our proper functioning. But we also consume animals, which is why plants and animals are essential for life on the planet. However, plants alone, many of them, if they could survive without animals.

We should also mention that one of the essential elements that we and other living beings need to live is oxygen. This is produced by plants, so we have another reason to say that they are very important in life on the planet. Seen in another way, plants need the carbon dioxide that animals exhale in order to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is a key process for all forms of plant and animal life and, of course, ours.

Types of biomes in the world

river biome

For a biome to be recognized as such, there are numerous variables to take into account. First of all is the weather. The geographic distribution of a particular area affects the biomes that compose it. Therefore, it is essential to know the type of adaptations that animals and plants can have in order to continue to thrive in a biome. There may be changes that can occur in a biome caused by human actions, but also natural causes.

The different types of biomes that exist are divided according to the area where they develop. Therefore, we find the terrestrial and marine biomes. Let’s see which are the main ones:

Terrestrial biomes

They are those that develop on land and have abundance of vegetation and numerous animal species depending on the climate, latitude and altitude where it is found.

  • Tundra: They are characterized by extremely low temperatures and very harsh conditions for the survival of living beings.
  • Forests: there are many types of forests. There are tropical forests, its tropical, temperate, humid, interior, etc. They are characterized by having a large number of plants and animals.
  • Grasslands: They have a great abundance of plants, grasses and various species of flowering plants. They have a drier season and a rainier one with acceptable and stable temperatures all year round. Thanks to these stable conditions, many more species can live well in these ecosystems.
  • Desert: It is the hottest biome on the planet. It is the opposite of the tundra. It is characterized by its extreme climatic conditions of high temperatures and very little abundant rainfall.

Freshwater biomes

We now describe the biomes whose main characteristic is that organisms live in fresh water. The depth of the water, the temperature, the water regime, etc. They are the main variables. These biomes are lakes, streams, rivers, lagoons, and wetlands, among others. Wetlands are highly relevant to climate change as they are home to numerous species that are indicators of climate change. When in a lake or river we see areas full of moss, we can know that there are organisms that live in the water and that feed on them in order to survive. Mosses are indicators of places with high humidity, since they need it to live.

Marine biomes

Marine biomes differ primarily from freshwater biomes in that they harbor salt water. Among them we find seas, oceans, estuaries and coral reefs. The marine biome is the largest on the planet.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about what a biome is and its main characteristics.

Biome: what is it, characteristics, importance and types

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