Characteristics, habitat and cultivation of Asphodelus fistulosus

Asphodelus fistulosus

One of the most peculiar plants that we can find in the area of ​​roads and highways is the Asphodelus fistulosus. It is known by its common name, wand of Saint Joseph, and by the name of argénit. It is a plant that we find on the roads and highways on the edges of the Mediterranean coastline of Spain. Although it is a plant that is located in these ways, it has a great capacity for decoration, especially during the flowering months from the end of winter to the end of spring.

In this article we are going to tell you about all the features of the Asphodelus fistulosus and the care it requires in case you want to have a copy for decoration in your home.

Key features

Asphodelus fistulosus on roads and highways

Despite being a plant with excellent ornamental value, it is one of the most toxic plants for man and animals. Therefore, if we decide to have it at home, we will have to pay special attention if we have pets or children. Although it is poisonous if consumed, in Valencian ethnomedicine its stems and leaves are used to make remedies that help heal some wounds.

It belongs to the Liliaceae family and is also known by other common names such as onion, cibolla, gamoncillo, gamonita, onion, marranet, snake onion, cebolada, porrassí, etc. It is a plant with a bi-annual cycle that does not usually last long. It has stems that are hollow and that can be simple or branched when the apex arrives. They do not usually reach more than half a meter in height

The root that has part of a null or short rhizome and has no fiber remains. Their roots are usually about 2mm in diameter, which makes them really thin.. They are yellowish in type and do not have root tubers. As for its leaves, we find a green color and semi-cylindrical shape. They are usually only about 3 millimeters wide. They are located at their base with fleshy characteristics. They are longer than half the stem, that is, about 25 centimeters and with a sub-cylindrical shape and narrow longitudinal stripes. If you touch them, they are rough to the touch.

Flowering and fruit

Asphodelus fistulosus flowers

This plant is quite common to find while we are walking along the paths and its decorative flowers attract our attention. Although it is quite elegant and has high ornamental value, it is not used as such.given its possible dangers for being toxic. The flowers are white and have pink stripes. They measure about 3 centimeters in diameter and are arranged in various terminal clusters.

The flowering time is between February and April. This is due to the increase in temperatures with the change of season. When it blooms, it does so by means of a cluster-shaped inflorescence that measures 15 to 50 cm in length. Its flowers emerge along a kind of axis. The petals have an elliptical and oblong shape with a white and pink color. The nerves of the petals stand out with a reddish-brown color.

These plants are fertilized to give rise to some fruits that are shaped like a subglobose capsule. They are between 5 and 7 mm in diameter and have a straw color with reddish tones. The seeds are dark gray in color and only 3mm in size.


Asphodelus fistulosus in its natural habitat

Regarding the distribution, the Asphodelus fistulosus It is found throughout the southern Spanish Mediterranean area. We can mainly find it by Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Castellón, Gerona, Balearic Islands, Lleida, Tarragona and Valencia. It can be perfectly seen growing on the roads of the highways and in the fields that are abandoned, it increases its distribution area even more. In fields that are usually active it does not appear, since employees have maintenance tasks to avoid the growth of weeds or vegetation that competes for nutrients in the crops.

The natural habitats of this herb are grasslands, coastal sands, and steppes. They normally prefer basic and occasionally siliceous soils. They tend to grow in these more uninhabited and neglected areas.

It cannot be in the shade at any time since it needs a large number of hours of sun at the end of the day. Therefore, it is very common to see it in places where there are no trees that can block the sunlight. Otherwise, it might not develop well. Too prefer fairly drained and dry soils, so it becomes an excellent indicator plant for dryness. It survives very well in times of drought, although it needs certain nutrients in the soil to live well.

Cultivation of Asphodelus fistulosus

Asphodelus fistulosus characteristics

Although we have mentioned before that it is not a plant with ornamental use, even so you can see its use especially in xerogardening. It is easy to multiply since it is enough to do a division of the tuberous roots just after the flowering season. We can also do it in a classic way by seeds, although they will take longer to grow.

If we want to multiply them by seed, it is best to wait for the months of March and April instead of a time of year that is too hot or in winter. It is favored for being in greenhouses where the temperature range is usually stable. The temperature at which it germinates should not be less than 15 degrees, since the substrate will be very wet. Germination takes place in a couple of months.

When it has germinated, the first phase in which it is just a seedling, it can reach a maximum of 10 centimeters in height. This is the perfect indicator to know that we can transplant it to its final place so that it can develop fully. If the place where we are going to transplant it is not a too warm place, it is better to leave it in the pot and wait until the following year so that it has more strength and endurance in that not so hot space.

Needs a sunny exposure in the garden and little watering. It is more of a plant that loves drought. It is used to decorate rockery and flower beds.

I hope that with this information you can take advantage of the ornamental value of the Asphodelus fistulosus.

Characteristics, habitat and cultivation of Asphodelus fistulosus

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