How to revive an orchid: know the problems and their solutions

how to revive an orchid

Orchids are one of the most beautiful plants for our homes. Since they became fashionable, they almost replaced bouquets to give a living plant that, if well cared for, will offer us flowers practically all year round. The problem is that, sometimes, the care is not the most adequate and in the end you end up looking for how to revive an orchid almost at the same time that you learn what their cares are.

If several orchids have passed through your hands and all have ended up the same, it is time for you to know how to recover an orchid and get rid of the usual problems: have the leaves fallen off? Have no roots? Have they rotted? Find out how to deal with these problems.

How to revive an orchid?

How to revive an orchid?

Imagine you have an orchid. He has offered you the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen, but after a while they begin to wither and finally fall. The problem is that, over time, you see that the stems become brittle and lose their color, and the leaves turn yellow. The normal thing is to add more water, but is this really how to revive an orchid?

Despite your ‘bad luck’ you have to know that caring for an orchid is simple as long as you know what the needs of this plant are. Proper watering, daylight hours, or subjecting them to low temperatures are crucial for it to develop well. In addition, it gives you alerts when it is sick to give you time to find how to revive an orchid that has a problem.

And how to do it? Find out.

My orchid has fallen leaves

This is more common than you think, and dangerous, because, although an orchid can live without leaves, its recovery if you do not catch it in time can be slow, or impossible.

There are many reasons why orchid leaves are affected: from overwatering, because you spray them with water too often and you’re rotting them, because it doesn’t get enough sun.

What to do then? Try to find a south orientation and put it in a bright place, near the window but with a separation of at least 20 centimeters. In addition, it spreads the risks much more. Do not leave water in the base and water only when you see that it needs it. To give you an idea, if it lacks watering, the leaves also warn you, because they will wrinkle and wilt.

Also watch that there is no pests that affect the leaves, or diseases.

How to recover an orchid that has dried up

If you have an orchid and, no matter how hard you have tried, it has dried, you know that it is because not enough watered. But it may have a solution. Does it have green roots? Then you could save her.

What you should do is water the substrate with water and put it in a place that the sun does not give much. If you have a branch that is wilting, cut it off at the base. Now you just have to wait to see if the roots develop the plant and it is not lost.

How to revive an orchid with dried roots

It may be the case that your orchid does not have roots or that they are dry, so how to recover orchids with dry roots? And without roots? Attentive.

  • If it has no roots, and the plant looks healthy, You can try to add a rooting product, which helps the plant to develop roots.
  • If the roots are dry, it is best to cut the ones that are white or black because they can contaminate the rest of the roots. The plant must change the entire substrate and provide vitamins so that it has the strength to recover. If you also put it in a warm place, much better.

You could do the same if you notice rotten roots, you can change the substrate, cut the rotten ones and see how the plant evolves.

How to know if an orchid is dead?

How to know if an orchid is dead?

Although orchids are very showy, when they get sick or when they die they give you a warning, first so that you know how to revive an orchid, and secondly so that you give up your attempts because it cannot recover.

And what are those signals that it gives you?

His crown turns brown

The crown is the base of the orchid, that is, the part where the leaves connect with the roots and stems. If you see that it turns brown, that it has a texture like soft and soggy, or totally black, it is that it has rotted.

This usually happens after all its leaves have turned yellow or black.

To give you an idea. An orchid that is hibernating, and that can recover, will have a green and chubby crown; otherwise, it will be black, dry and as if it would break if you touch it.

There are rotten roots, soft and white

When they sell you an orchid, the pot in which they go is transparent, and that allows you to see the roots and how they retain their color. But, What if it turns out that there are rotten, soft roots that lose their green or white hue? Well, they are signs that something is very wrong (usually due to excess water or not doing a substrate transplant).

If you see that the roots are like this, don’t insist, reviving an orchid is very difficult to achieve.

How to revive an orchid: yellow leaves

You should know that when an orchid is going to go into a dormant period, it is normal for it to lose its leaves. The problem is that If they turn yellow and fall off, it is because it is dying, or it is dead.

To know for sure you have to look at the root of the plant. If you see that it is rotten, or rotting, you have no choice but to get rid of it. If there is still hope, start treating the plant as soon as possible.

Why do orchids wither?

Causes why orchids wither there are many, hence there are many actions to revive an orchid depending on what happens to it. However, the usual problems that cause this plant to die are:

  • An excessive watering. Watering it is fine; spend with the irrigation not because the plant suffers a lot.
  • Lack of light. The location of the plant is very important, as well as its need for light. If you don’t give him that contribution, he suffers.
  • Appearance of pests and diseases. We often don’t notice that until the plant begins to wilt, but if we are vigilant, we can prevent that problem.
  • Excess or lack of temperature. Orchids are very sensitive to changes in temperature, and their performance is drastic, so it can be one of the problems of wilting.

What to do when the orchid flowers die?

What to do when the orchid flowers die?

Orchid flowers are not forever, sooner or later they will end up wilting and falling off. And that will be the moment when you have to act. When the flowers fall, what you should do is the following:

  • Cut the stem off the orchid if you see it starting to dry out. Do it flush with the leaves, so it won’t take away the strength.
  • Change the substrate, in this way it will help the plant when it begins its growth.
  • Put it in a very bright place. Not in direct sunlight, but where there is light.
  • Spray the plant. Do it when you see that the roots begin to look silver.
  • Add a little fertilizer to the water. Very little, but yes, you need nutrients.

We cannot assure you that you can revive an orchid 100%, but at least you will have put all the means so that your plant does not die.

How to revive an orchid: know the problems and their solutions

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