Red spider at home: What damages it does and how to combat it at home

The spider mite is a mite that attacks plants

The red spider mite is a mite that attacks plants.

There are several pests that can affect plants, such as when we have the red spider at home. Also known as Tetranychus cinnabarinusThis spider is really a mite that stands out for having a sucking mouthpart with which attacks the leaves of vegetables and weakens them. It is very easy to reproduce and is not usually seen with the naked eye. Among the crops most affected by spider mites are basil, celery, zucchini, pea, green bean, melon, cucumber, watermelon, tomato and carrot.

We can usually find the spider mite at home when the weather is dry. To detect this mite we must look at whether there is any silky tissue or spider web near the plants. In such a case, it is time to remedy it. Fortunately there are a number of natural remedies that will help us save our crops.

Where is the spider mite found?

It is common to find the spider mite on the leaves of plants

It is common to find the red spider on the leaves of plants

Before focusing on how to combat red spider mites at home, we are going to discuss a little where we can find this type of mite. Usually, the attacks appear by spotlights. They are more frequent near weeds, especially mallow and bindweed. These fulfill the function of reservoirs of the pest.

Regarding the affected plants, the Red spider it is usually located on the young leaves belonging to the last shoots. However, when the attacks are strong It can appear on any type of leaf and even on other parts of the plant. Once the food source of this mite begins to run out, the spider mite disperses creating a web of silk tissues. In this way, it looks for other guests that adapt to its needs or takes refuge in suitable places to enter diapause. Other means of dispersal of these mites are the transport of plant material and the wind.

What harm does the spider mite cause?

As we have already mentioned previously, the spider mite weakens the plant by attacking its leaves. In order to feed, it tears tissues superficially. Thus they end up emptying and penetrating the air, so tissues take on a whitish appearance initially, turning to reddish tones afterwards.

Due to the increase in perspiration and the decrease in the capacity of the plant to carry out photosynthesis, this decreases its production and promotes the loss of the quality of the fiber, which implies its length, its resistance, etc. Definitely: The affected vegetable loses energy.

How to eliminate the spider mite at home?

There are several homemade means to combat the spider mite

There are several home remedies to combat red spider mites.

Since the damage caused by this mite on plants is important, it is essential to solve the problem of this plague. Luckily there are several home remedies that allow us to eliminate the spider mite at home. If we do not have to resort to chemicals, it will be better for our crops, the ecosystem and the animals that may come into contact. We are going to discuss the different options that we have below.

The spider mite is a small mite that affects the monsteraThe red spider mite is a small mite that affects the monstera

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Horse tail

There is a plant called Equisetum arvensealso known as horsetail, which can help us fight red spider mites. We must use the entire plant, except for the root. When the horsetail is fresh, we must use 150 grams per liter, while in the dry state we must use 20 grams per liter. The idea is to leave it to soak overnight, at least twelve hours. The next day we boil a third. When it’s ready, we can use this remedy to both prevent and treat the plague.

If our intention is to prevent the appearance of the spider mite at home, we must regularly spray this compound on the plants, every 10 to 15 days approximately. On the other hand, if we have already detected this mite in our crop, the ideal is to spray on the vegetables in full sun for three consecutive days.

Nettle slurry

Another remedy to combat spider mites at home is through nettle slurry, or Stinging nettle. As with horsetail, the entire plant is used except for the root. The amounts corresponding to this plant are 100 grams per liter if the nettle slurry is fresh and 20 grams per liter if it is dry. The idea is to ferment with horsetail decoction for four days. We must bear in mind that it is necessary to use half a liter of horsetail for every liter of nettle. Once this mixture is ready, You have to spray on the vegetables periodically.

Flour preparation

The simplest solution to combat spider mites at home is with a flour preparation. In all homes there is usually flour in the kitchen or in the pantry, so we should not buy anything special to remedy this plague. It is as simple as dissolving two cups of fine white flour in five to ten liters of water. The next morning you have to apply this preparation on the infested vegetables. Through the sun, the water ends up evaporating.

Another option is to mix one cup of buttermilk with eight cups of flour and dissolve it in fifty liters of water. This mixture should be applied on the underside of the leaves of the plants, a process that we must repeat several times to be effective.

Finally it remains to highlight the sprinkling with sulfur. This tactic is effective but risky, since we can eliminate other predatory mites that help the biological control of plants. In addition, if we use sulfur when the plant is in bloom, we can end up damaging it.

For this method we must use very fine-grained sulfur. Using a sprayer, you have to sprinkle the crop in the form of a cloud so that it covers the entire leaf well, including the underside, which is where these mites live.

I hope these methods have helped you fight spider mites at home. Remember that there are many diseases and pests that can affect our crops and plants. In order to be able to treat them correctly and not harm the vegetables too much, it is important to detect what it is about in time.

Red spider at home: What damages it does and how to combat it at home

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