Gardening Tips

Paeonia officinalis: What is it, names, properties and where to find it

In the world of botany, an endless number of plants and their properties have been investigated. Today many vegetables are known that have a high contribution of benefits to our health. One of these plants is the Paeonia officinalisa precious flower native to Europe. It has many active ingredients and chemical compounds that give it […]

Echinacea: characteristics, types, cultivation and uses

Echinacea are plants that reach a height of up to 2 meters, and that have large flowers that attract a multitude of beneficial insects which is why they are very interesting to grow in or near orchards, as well as in gardens. In addition, they can be adapted to live in pots, so you can […]

Recover a dried orchid | Gardening On

One of the plants that has become common in homes is the orchid. These one-, two-, or three-stem plants can easily be found in florists as well as supermarkets. The problem is that, sometimes, it can suffer and end up dying. But what do we tell you that you can retrieve a dried orchid? Obviously, […]

How to plant seedless garlic in a pot: characteristics and tips

Since garlic is one of the most used foods in Mediterranean cuisine, it is essential to know well how it should be sown. It is used not only because of its flavor, but also because of its many nutritional properties that are good for health. It is a good preservative for food and has antibiotic […]

How to know if my orchid is dead

When you have an orchid for a few months, you know that the flowers wither and that the previously precious stem begins to lose its greenness and dry out. At that moment it is normal to wonder every time you look at her “How do you know if my orchid is dead?” It is a […]

Plant Calla Lilies: How and When to Grow Them and Aftercare

If you are considering planting calla lilies, I can assure you that it is a good idea. It is a fairly simple plant to grow and care for, either in pots or in the garden soil. The sturdy bush produces delicate and precious flowers with little effort on our part. Depending on the region in […]

Hydrangea quercifolia: characteristics, uses, cultivation and care

One of the plants that has the most landscape interest during spring and summer is the hydrangea quercifolia. It is a plant that recruit a wide variety of colors for its foliage. In the fall season, the leaves are deep purple-red in color and have dried flower heads that provide great ornamental interest. It has […]

The meaning of the best known flowers and their history

Beautiful flowers are one of the greatest expressions of beauty. Nature has gifted us with such beautiful flowers that it is often difficult to decide which one is your favorite. The meaning of flowers vary according to the type of flower. There are thousands of meanings, but we are going to summarize the meaning of […]

How to plant potted tulips: When and how to do it step by step

Among the most popular flowers to decorate our home are tulips. You don’t have to have a garden to have these beautiful plants, We can also sow them in pots. But how to plant potted tulips? We will answer this question by explaining step by step what to do. But before that, we will also […]

8 types of ornamental thistles for gardens or terraces

Image – Flickr / Anthony Pena // Cirsium Decorative thistles? You might think we’ve gone crazy. These plants are heavily armed with thorns: even their flowers have! But that is why we recommend that you take them into account when designing your garden or terrace. And it is that with them you can prevent some […]

Characteristics and care of the Triteleia plant

Triteleia are a genus of about 15 species of perennials with loose umbels of star-shaped flowers, all native to the western United States. The color of the flowers ranges from deep blue to pale purple blue and almost white. Easy to growr, undemanding, beautiful and adaptable, this plant is a decorative plant in home, country […]

Is the meaning of white roses

Rose bushes are extraordinary plants, whose ornamental value is undeniable. Its beautiful and elegant flowers, which appear throughout the spring and summer, and can even sprout in autumn, brighten up the terrace and the gardens as few shrubs know how to do. Now, it is important that we choose the color of the petals well […]

When and how to plant hyacinths?

Hyacinths can be grown in the garden and in pots. They should be in a sunny or partially shaded location, as well as have drained, nutrient-rich soil. If this is too heavy, you can add gravel or sand to loosen it a bit, something that avoids waterlogging when watering, since if it is not done, […]

Is the Lilium plant indoor or outdoor? Care

One of the plants that generates controversy when it comes to knowing if you are indoors or outdoors is the Lilium. It is popularly known as lily and it is a bulbous plant, of the perennial herbaceous type that has scaly bulbs. People wonder if the Lilium plant is indoor or outdoor since it is […]

12 types of begonias you can grow at home

Begonias are plants that generally do not grow very large. They are very loved on balconies, where they are usually planted in planters if they are small, or in pots. They produce flowers of very cheerful colorswhich, although they have a small size, attract a lot of attention. But it is also possible to grow […]

What are the care of the African violet?

The african violet It is one of the smallest and most beautiful flowering plants out there. Its height does not exceed thirty centimeters including its flower stems, and its delicate leaves of a more or less oval shape of a dark green color make it one of the most acquired by all those who are […]

Eryngium: characteristics, species and cultivation

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Eryngium are a type of thistle with really showy flowers. Although we are talking about thorny plants, that does not mean that they cannot be used to decorate a garden; In fact, I am convinced that you will enjoy them a lot if you plant them, for example, […]

Wild orchids of Spain | Gardening On

When we think of an orchid, the normal thing is that we believe that they come from Asia, or that they at least originate from there. But what if we tell you not to go too far? And they exist wild orchids of Spain, to the point of having more than 80 different species that […]

Floriography: what it is, characteristics, stories and language of flowers

Nature is full of beautiful flowers, we can only appreciate their beauty and try to speak their language. Since ancient times, we have tried to give them different meanings from the perspective of religion, mythology or folklore. That is why there is floriographywhich gives different meanings to each flower that exists. In this article we […]

Recover your cyclamen with yellow leaves with these simple tricks

Cyclamen is a bulbous plant that blooms through the fall, and even into winter weather permitting. During those months it is beautiful, with its curious pink, red or yellow flowers. But it is also when there is a greater risk of having yellowish or brown leaves, since watering in those seasons becomes an even more […]

How to plant chrysanthemums | Gardening On

It is possible to grow the chrysanthemum in pots or in the ground. There are at least 200 species of chrysanthemums that differ from each other by time and type of flowering, by posture, and by life cycle. Many varieties of chrysanthemum are suitable for growing in pots and others are suitable for the soil. […]

Save cyclamen bulbs | Gardening On

With autumn, and especially winter, we know that all those plants that have accompanied us in spring and summer are going to disappear. Some may resurface after a few months, the following spring, but others need a little help from us to do so. Therefore, today we want to show you the ways to save […]

Erigeron: Care and explanation of this genus of plants

There are many different types of plants and flowers that can be really spectacular in our garden or home. A perfect example for this would be all those species belonging to the genus erected. However, it is not enough to plant the flowers in the ground or put them in a pot. If we want […]

When are tulips planted | Gardening On

Tulips are native to the mountainous regions of Turkey and Central Asia, where winters are cold and summers cool and dry. There, they are hardy and durable perennials. But when grown in more humid climates, in richer soils, or when the summer is very hot, many hybrid tulips, after fully blooming for a few years, […]

Gazanias: care | Gardening On

What is the care of the gazanias? These curious flowers, which only open during the days when the clouds let the sun peek out, and which do not exceed a foot in height, are perfect for decorating the exterior. And it is that, they are just as good on a balcony as in the garden. […]

Parrot tulip: Origin, characteristics, varieties and care

There are many flowers that are used to decorate gardens, terraces and interiors. However, in the end they always end up seeing them in every home. To break a bit with this monotony we can opt for more exotic, unique and special plants. An example for this would be the parrot tulip. It has a […]

Potted geranium care: aspects to consider

Geranium is one of the most popular plants in Spain. It resists drought and heat well, in addition its flowers are also responsible for decorating and lighting gardens and balconies in the middle of the country. In addition to being cultivated for its beauty, the geranium has a very special aroma. They are easy to […]

Peony Care | Gardening On

The peony It is one of the most striking flowers that you can have both in your garden and on the terrace. It adapts very well to living in any type of soil, even calcareous ones, so you only have to ask yourself one question when you go to buy one: which one should I […]

How to take care of sage: the best tips and tricks

Sage is a herbaceous plant that we can find in warm and temperate regions of the world. Its growth rate is quite fast, and its cultivation demand is very low, it can be said that it can be cared for only after being planted in the garden for at least a year. You just have […]

Geranium pests: Pests that affect geranium and the African fly

If you are a person who is dedicated to the cultivation of plants, either professionally or as a hobby, you will know perfectly well that the risk of suffering from any plague is very high and really annoying, since not all of them can be eliminated. Some insects can spread to different species of plants, […]

10 cold hardy bulbous | Gardening On

There are many bulbous plants that are truly rustic and capable of withstanding frost and even snowfall. Therefore, if the winters in your area are very hard, you do not have to worry, because even with those conditions you will be able to grow an interesting variety of species in the garden, or if you […]

Dahlia pinnata: What is it, care, pests and diseases

It is indisputable that one of the best and most beautiful ways to decorate our home is through plants, especially those that have flowers. As there are so many different species, each with its own shape and its own colors, we are going to present you a very popular and really beautiful one: The dahlia […]

Perennial wars: cultivation, care and more

The Perpetual wars It is a small grass, almost tussock, but it produces flowers of a white color that attracts all eyes. It is well known by the name of the daisy of the meadows, since it is common to find it in those places, but also in the gardens and in the openings. Like […]

Abelia grandiflora care: watering, climate and maintenance

The genus of abelias contains 30 species and all of them are shrubs native to Mexico and Asia. They have semi-evergreen foliage that has a bright green color and are very useful for gardening and decorating green spaces. One of the most used is Abelia grandiflora. The care of Abelia grandiflora They are not complicated […]

Types of Gazania and tips to keep them healthy

One of the most curious flowering plants are the gazanias: its petals only open on sunny days, and close when it gets dark. Therefore, it is in summer when they are most beautiful, since it is when there are more days in which the star king remains without being hidden behind the clouds. But, although […]

What is calendula | Gardening On

In ancient times, during the time of the pharaohs, there was a dominant plant in the plant kingdom of the Egyptian empire. It is known as calendula and was considered a wonder by the inhabitants of that great nation. And they were not exaggerating, because this herbaceous plant is not only beautiful, but also it […]

What are the characteristics and care of tulbalgia?

Image – Wikimedia / uleli Do you like small flowers but with a high ornamental value? Then you will surely like the tubalgia. This beautiful herbaceous plant produces very beautiful purple petals during spring-summer, and you know the best? Which is suitable for beginners. With a minimum care that now I will tell you, you […]

How to care for the nasturtium flower

Have you ever heard of the nasturtium flower? This is not only a beautiful plant to decorate the home, but also it has many benefits for us. In fact, in some countries it is a fairly common ingredient for preparing culinary dishes. You may find it interesting to find out how to care for the […]

Venus thunder care: What is it, medicinal properties, care

There are many plants that not only look pretty, but also have medicinal properties. An example for them is the thunder of Venus, also known as cufea. This plant has several benefits for us and, in addition, it is ideal for decorating the garden or home. It should be noted that it is not difficult […]

Why should orchids be in transparent pots?

The vast majority of plants that we find for sale are grown in colored pots, why not orchids? Knowing well the needs of the species we want to buy is very important, as it will allow us to take much better care of them. And so, choosing well the container in which we are going […]

How to Sow Dandelion Seeds: Reproduction and Planting

Do you like dandelion leaves in your salad? Or use its flowers in various recipes? Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to find this vegetable in supermarkets, and depending on the area it can be difficult to find it in the wild. But there is a very simple solution: Grow it ourselves! In order […]

Syriac hibiscus care: the best tips

The hibiscus is a plant that belongs to the Hibiscus genus and the Malvaceae family. Within this family we find more than 150 species of shrubs, herbaceous plants and trees that are distributed throughout the tropical and temperate regions of our entire planet. The Syrian hibiscus has somewhat different care than conventional. The syrian hibiscus […]

What is an orchid garden

If you are a true lover of orchids, this interests you. And a lot. Because, Have you heard of an orchid garden? Do you know what he means? It is very likely that you know, by name, what an orchid garden is, but do you know the location of the most beautiful ones? Next we […]

How to care for a potted sunflower: the best tips and tricks

Sunflowers are quite famous plants throughout the world for being those whose flowers are oriented according to the direction of the sun. You can have both a sunflower in the garden and in a pot. Depending on how you have it, it will require different care. Many people don’t know how to care for a […]

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