Change the color of the flowers

The color of the flowers is determined by the amount of pigments in both the petals and the stem. But there is a little trick to modify the original color using fruits and vegetables.

First step to change the color of the flowers

First select the fruit or vegetable that you will use depending on the color with which you want to alter your flowers:

  • Magenta: beetroot
  • Green: spinach
  • Orange: carrot
  • Blue: blueberry
  • Red: strawberries
  • Violet: blackberries
Change flower color - First step to change flower color

Change the color of the flowers step by step

If you have decided on beets, spinach or carrots, you must first boil them for a quarter of an hour so that the water is colored with its pigments; if you prefer strawberries, blackberries or cherries, start by removing the leaves and stems, then cut it into small pieces.

  1. In a blender, prepare as a smoothie with the fruit or vegetables. If they are cherries, remember to remove the pit before blending them.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and add water until you get a colored liquid. For vegetables, use the water where you boiled them to take advantage of all the pigments.
  3. Transfer the solution to an opaque or clear vase if you want the coloring liquid to show through, using a filter or strainer to separate the larger particles. Finally, put the flowers inside the vase.

In a few hours, the conductive glasses of the stem will transport the colored liquid to the petals and you will get the flowers to have the same color as the solution. When you have the result, you can change to normal water, with time the flowers will recover their original tone.

If you want to experiment differently, you can color water with squid ink and the result will be that of darker-toned flowers.

Change the color of the flowers

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