Planting aloe vera: when and how to do it

Aloe vera, with the scientific name Aloe Barbadensis and also called aloe vera, is a very popular succulent plant, since in addition to having a striking and very beautiful appearance, it has a large number of medicinal properties that make it very beneficial for the skin and as a digestive.

If you want to learn when and how to plant aloe vera and what its basic care is, keep reading this article where you will find a very useful practical guide.

When to plant aloe vera

The best time to plant aloe vera is at the end of winter , once the frosts are over. If you plant it when the weather is still very cold, it is very likely that it will not succeed, since the conditions for its growth will not be optimal and you will need to make a significant overexertion.

However, if you live in an area with a temperate climate or if you plant it directly in a pot indoors where you maintain a stable warm temperature , you can plant it practically throughout the year, with autumn and early spring being especially recommended.

How to plant aloe vera step by step

The best way to plant aloe vera is to do it from sons, suckers or shoots of a mother plant, since it will grow much faster and easier than from seeds. This method is shared by a large number of succulents, which are easier to reproduce this way. To plant aloe vera easily , follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a substrate with a very good drainage, to which you have also prepared a bed of coarse gravel that keeps excess moisture away from the plant. In addition, it is necessary that the chosen pot has a good depth and has drainage holes. The substrate must be rich in organic compost, and you can add a contribution of perlite. A mixture of universal substrate and peat can serve as a base.
  2. Bury the plant as far as its leaves are born, being careful not to damage its roots, and don’t water it for two weeks, so it has time to adjust.
  3. Locate the plant in a warm area, where it receives sunlight and, if possible, in a relatively humid place. Be careful with excesses at this point, and do not expose it to the midday summer sun or humidity so high that fungus can appear.
  4. After the first two weeks, you can take it to its final location, where you must water it every 2 or 3 weeks depending on the local climate.
Planting aloe vera: when and how to do it - How to plant aloe vera step by step

When to transplant an aloe vera

Most of the time the transplant of aloe vera is carried out in order to multiply or reproduce the plant. For this, the children that appear at the base of the mother plant can be used, which can be separated practically from their appearance, carefully separating them with a previously disinfected tool.

If what you want is to transplant your aloe vera because it has grown too much for its current pot, the signal that the time has come is when the plant reaches the edges of the pot, or when the roots appear through the drainage holes of the pot. .

Basic aloe vera care – guide

This succulent plant is not demanding with its care, but there are some points that must be respected so that the plant can develop properly. These are the main care of aloe vera :


Aloe Vera appreciates having a substrate that is very rich in organic matter, but what is really necessary is that it offers good drainage. Accumulations of water or puddles are especially harmful to succulent plants, and their roots can rot very easily.


An annual contribution of earthworm humus to the earth will do a lot of good to our aloe. This organic fertilizer is one of the most complete, and you can make your own vermicomposter if you have a little space for it.


Aloe needs about 8 to 10 hours of sun exposure. However, in particularly hot climates or with a very strong sun, it may not be convenient for it to receive the light of the worst hours directly, since its leaves can suffer damage by burning.


The best way to water aloe is drip irrigation, which adds moisture to the soil without waterlogging it. If you cannot resort to this, water only when the soil is dry, and do so without ever flooding.


The ideal temperature for aloe is between 17 and 27 ºC. It can withstand temperatures of up to 10ºC and a little less, but if it is exposed to them continuously, the plant can suffer and even die.

Planting aloe vera: when and how to do it

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