Recovery of a plant

When we go on vacation , sometimes we have no choice but to leave the care of our beloved plants to an acquaintance, family member, or friend. And, on our return, two things can happen: that nothing has happened, that is, that they remain safe and sound; or that, on the contrary, they are losing leaves and stems, that they no longer have flowers,… in short, that they present a rather bad appearance.

If you are one of the lucky ones, you know who to leave the plants to next time. But if you have not been so lucky, this article is dedicated to your plants, and of course to you.



  • 1 First impression
  • 2 Next…
  • 3 Final Tips

First impression

Well, you come home and find that your little plants are in a very bad state. What are you doing? The important thing here is not to lose your cool. There are many people who do not know how to take care of plants, not because they do not want to, but simply because they do not have the necessary experience. Nothing happens, they are things that happen.

Let’s get to the important thing, try to save her. With sterilized pruning shears (they can be washed with pharmacy alcohol. If we have many sick plants, we will wash the scissors every time we work with one, thus avoiding problems) we will cut all the stems and flowers that are rotten, withered or that do not have chlorophyll . If the stems have some green, even a little, we will leave it, since if we cut it, the plant would lose energy, which can be used to recover.


Once we have, as it is technically said, cleaned up, that is, cut everything that is wrong, we will proceed to do the following:

  • If the plant has suffered excess watering, we will take it out of the pot, and we will cover the root ball with napkins and, once they have absorbed almost all the water, we will put it back in the pot. We will place it in a place with lots of light, but without direct sun.
    It is advisable to apply a little fungicide (less than the recommended dose). A plant that has been over-watered could easily become a “nest” for fungus.
  • If, on the other hand, what you need is water, we will fill a tray or a bucket with water, and we will introduce the pot . We will remove it once the substrate is moist.

final tips

Finally, remember that a diseased plant should not be fertilized . The first thing is to recover, and we will only give her food when we see her grow.

We water it every time the substrate is almost dry, depending on the needs of the plant and where it is.

Recovery of a plant

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