
Due to the economic activities of human beings, deforestation occurs worldwide that increasingly threatens the disappearance of biodiversity. One of the negative effects of massive deforestation is the disappearance of the natural ecosystems that support life. In addition, many resources that we use on a daily basis are lost, such as the generation of paper thanks to wood. For this reason, reforestation has become a very important tool for the regeneration of forest ecosystems. Deforestation is nothing more than replanting the trees that have been cut down in order to recover the natural characteristics of the ecosystems.

In this article we are going to talk about all the characteristics of reforestation, its importance and how it is carried out.

Need for trees

reforestation characteristics

The first thing to keep in mind is that we need trees to be able to live on this planet. Trees offer a large amount of ecosystem resources that serve humans and the rest of life. We are going to analyze which are the main functions of trees and their importance:

  • They provide the oxygen we breathe through the process of photosynthesis . It also helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • It plays an essential role in the formation of forest ecosystems and the maintenance of biodiversity.
  • Thanks to the presence of trees, there can be numerous species of animals and plants associated with them.
  • It generates an ideal environment so that there can be different classes of microorganisms that are necessary for there to be an evolution in the species.
  • Provides shade and increased moisture retention. There are different studies that mark the relationship between the forest mass and the amount of rainfall in an area. The conclusion can be drawn that the greater the number of trees, the higher the humidity and, therefore, the greater the probability of precipitation.
  • It helps the formation of the soil and prevents its erosion.
  • Avoid soil degradation by providing organic matter and different nutrients.
  • Wood has great socioeconomic and energy importance.

Deforestation and reforestation

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are great problems associated with the human being that cause the destruction of trees. This is due to massive logging on a global scale for the manufacture of furniture, paper and a long etcetera. Because of this deforestation occurs. This consequence generates a large number of environmental, socioeconomic and energy impacts worldwide . It should be borne in mind that the fewer trees we have, the less air purification. This causes a higher concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and mean temperatures continue to rise. With this increase in temperatures we integrate the effects of climate change.

The disappearance of trees also causes the destruction of natural habitats where countless species, both animal and plant, and microorganisms can develop. From these animal and plant species we also derive an economic interest for the human being. Keep in mind that trees are necessary for life. If these trees cannot perform vital functions. The human being causes more and more of its destruction in a more massive way. Faced with this problem, the concept of reforestation arises.

However, reforestation has always been a contentious issue. It should be noted that there are many occasions when ecosystems with a high ecological interest have been destroyed for socio-economic purposes. Despite this, areas with ecologically poorer and fast growing species are reforested . In many occasions this type of reforestation can cause an imbalance in the species that inhabit the ecosystem. Therefore, although there are times when it is worth repopulating areas at a higher rate, the ecological value must be taken into account.

In cases where reforestation is done in poor places, it is interesting to plant species that grow very quickly and help regenerate the soil. We must also look for those species that are capable of quickly adapting to environmental conditions and to the land where they have been planted.

Reforestation problems


Usually when you talk about reforestation you have positive opinions about it. The problem is that there are numerous topics about this practice. Forest fires are becoming more frequent and dangerous than before. Whatever the reason for the fire’s origin, we cannot deny that they shape the landscape and transform it drastically. When an area has caught fire there are some species like cork oak that have rapid adaptation characteristics. However, it does not mean that the fact that the cork oak has great adaptability we should plant it anywhere. For example, if a pine forest has caught fire, it cannot be repopulated with a cork oak.

This is one of the big problems that occurs today with reforestation. Since the results of a reforestation cannot occur quickly, we are looking for plants that grow quickly that are pyrophilic species. These species have certain evolutionary advantages to be able to grow rapidly when there is a fire. The problem of reforestation in our country is that the ability of forests to regenerate tends to be underestimated. One of the most common mistakes is to think that nature needs human help to correct the problems caused. This gives rise to certain reforestation tasks with heavy machinery in which fast-growing species end up being planted that has nothing to do with the original ecosystem.

We must know that each species plays an important role in the ecosystem. The function that a pine can fulfill is not the same as a cork oak. If there were previously pine trees in the ecosystem in nature, it will be for some reason.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about reforestation and current problems.


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