Surprising Vegetables that Help Improve Tomato Production

Tomatoes are a staple in many households, but they can be difficult to grow. There are a number of vegetables that can help improve tomato production. Some of these surprising vegetables include carrots, beets, and celery. Each of these vegetables offer different benefits to tomato production, which can help improve yields and reduce the need for fertilizer.

1. Eggplant:

Companion planting is a great way to improve your garden production. By planting plants that work well together, you can improve the health and vigor of your plants, while also repelling pests and diseases. Eggplant is a great companion plant for tomatoes, because it improves the tomato’s growth and production. Eggplant is a good source of nitrogen, which tomatoes need for healthy growth, and it also helps to repel pests like aphids and whiteflies. If you’re looking to increase your tomato production, be sure to include eggplant in your garden plan!

2. Garlic:

Garlic is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. It helps to improve tomato production by repelling harmful pests and diseases. Additionally, garlic also helps to improve the flavor of tomatoes. Garlic can be planted near tomatoes in the garden, or it can be used as a mulch around the base of tomato plants.

3. Basil:

Basil is a great way to improve tomato production because it is a companion plant. Companion plants are plants that are grown near other plants for the purpose of benefiting one or both of the plants. Basil is known to improve tomato production because it repels certain pests that can harm tomatoes and it also improves the flavor of the tomatoes. By planting basil near your tomatoes, you can help improve their growth and flavor while also repelling pests.

4. Onion:

Onions are a great way to improve tomato production because they are a companion plant. Companion plants are plants that grow well together and help each other out. Onions release a gas called ethylene which helps tomatoes ripen. The onions also help to protect the tomatoes from pests and diseases.

5. Green Beans:

Green beans are a great way to improve tomato production because they fix nitrogen. Beans are a legume, which means that they have the ability to fix nitrogen from the air into a form that plants can use. Adding green beans to your tomato garden will help to improve the health of your tomatoes and increase their yield.

Tomatoes are heavy feeders and need a lot of nitrogen in order to produce big, healthy fruits. Green beans can provide this nitrogen without resorting to synthetic fertilizers. They also act as companion plants for tomatoes, providing additional benefits such as increased pest resistance and improved pollination.

If you are looking for an easy way to boost your tomato production, add some green beans to the mix! Not only will they help improve the overall health of your tomatoes, but they will also provide an attractive addition to your garden plot.


In conclusion, there are a surprising number of vegetables that can be added to your garden to improve tomato production. By adding compost, manure, and other organic matter to the soil, you can create a healthy environment for your tomatoes and improve their growth. Adding plants like basil, marigolds, and nasturtiums to your garden will also help to repel pests and improve the health of your tomatoes. Finally, make sure to harvest your tomatoes regularly to encourage further production.

Surprising Vegetables that Help Improve Tomato Production

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