Trunk of Brazil: care and reproduction

The Brazilian trunk or water stick , with the scientific name Dracaena fragrans , is a shrub native to tropical climates, highly appreciated in gardening for its striking leaves up to 1 meter in length. It is a highly sought after plant to decorate interiors and exteriors in homes around the world, as it does not require very complicated care.

If you want to learn how to care for this plant at home, both in soil and in pot, keep reading us in this article in which we tell you all about caring for the Brazilian trunk and its reproduction .

Brazilian trunk plant, water stick or Dracaena fragrans: characteristics

The Dracaena fragrans is part of the family Asparagaceae, and is a very popular plant in interior decorating for its great vertical carriage. Its growth is slow, and it forms its large leaves in rosettes in which the new upper leaves are replacing the older ones, which are lost.

When it is planted in the ground it can reach up to 6 meters in height, but in a pot, logically, its growth is very limited and it adapts to the space. The flower of the Brazilian trunk only appears in fully adult plants, although the plant is poorly flowering. These flowers are of white tones and of great fragrance, hence the scientific name of the species.

Trunk of Brazil: care and reproduction - Plant trunk of Brazil, water stick or Dracaena fragrans: characteristics

Trunk of Brazil: reproduction

The most used reproduction technique with the Brazilian trunk or palo de agua is that of reproduction by cuttings . It consists of cutting a small young branch and planting it so that it takes root and becomes a new complete plant. For this, it is vital to choose a young and green branch and cut it with previously disinfected tools.

You can dip the bottom of the cut branch in rooting protein, either store-bought or homemade, to improve its chances of rooting before planting. In addition, it will be necessary that the substrate has been enriched with compost and offers good drainage. In these first days, the plant will need humidity and a warm environment to be able to adapt to its new environment and develop.

Trunk of Brazil: care

The Brazilian trunk is a very popular plant that is often recommended to beginners in gardening and horticulture due to its undemanding care. These are the basic care of the Brazilian trunk :

Light for the trunk of Brazil

This plant requires a lot of natural light , so it will appreciate being located next to a window or at some point where it receives that contribution of light it needs, although always avoiding direct sunlight. It is also preferable to place it in an area without drafts.

Watering the stick of water

As far as irrigation is concerned, the Brazilian trunk requires little irrigation, this being necessary only when the soil is very dry. This will generally occur up to twice a week in warm climates and seasons, and up to once every two weeks in colder seasons or climates. On the other hand, although it is always necessary to avoid flooding its substrate, the plant does need abundant environmental humidity, so it is advisable to spray warm water on its leaves every two or three days.


Since it is a plant of tropical climates, it suffers a lot from low temperatures. Its optimum temperature is between 22 and 26ºC, and below 14ºC it can be in danger.


The pruning of the Brazilian trunk can be done for aesthetic reasons and to avoid that the plant occupies more space than desired. When pruning this plant, it is very important that the cut is made at a 25 degree incline, with a very sharp and disinfected tool. Once the cut is made, it is recommended to cover it with melted candle to prevent infections and pests

Transplant Dracaena fragrans

Finally, the Brazilian trunk requires occasional transplants like most potted plants. In this case, as it is a slow-growing plant, a transplant every 2 or 3 years will suffice.

Trunk of Brazil: care and reproduction - Trunk of Brazil: care

My Brazilian trunk plant with yellow leaves, what do I do?

When this happens, it tends to be due to the fact that the environment is too dry for the plant , especially if only the tips of the leaves turn yellow or dry. Don’t water it more than you already do if this is the only symptom. Instead, be sure to spray room temperature water on their leaves every 48 hours. It is important that the water is not too cold, you can heat it a little before spraying it if your tap comes out too cold.

It is also possible, if the entire leaves are turning yellow, that you are watering your plant too much. Check that the pot has drainage holes and that these are working properly.

If the leaves that turn yellow are only the lower ones, you do not need to worry: it is part of the natural cycle of the plant.

Trunk of Brazil: care and reproduction - My plant trunk of Brazil with yellow leaves, what do I do?
Trunk of Brazil: care and reproduction

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