Yellow pear tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

The yellow pear tomato is one of the varieties available on the market, it was specifically introduced in Europe many centuries ago, coming from Central America or perhaps South America. The consumer prefers it for its particular taste and for the touch of color that it adds to meals and salads.

Its yellow color is due to a mutation of one of the genes of the normal tomato, in this the production of lycopene is blocked and prevents the fruit from turning red as it normally is due to the low amount of beta carotene.

Yellow tomato characteristics

yellow pear tomato on a tray

What is important to know is that they are very rich in  micro nutrients  and that the levels of vitamin C and sugar remain intact. Regarding the flavor of the yellow tomato, it is definitely different because the acidity level is lower, which generally makes it taste different to the palate.

In this regard, it must be said that the flavor may vary depending on the type of yellow tomato you try , the smallest known as the yellow cherry, usually have a greater sweetness. The type of cultivation also influences and this sense, as long as less irrigation is required, the more nutritious and sweet the fruit will be, this being the case of the cherry variety .

The aroma is also different and is due to the fact that a good part of its components come from some products that are derived from the synthesis of lycopene and the absence of lycopene in yellow tomatoes makes the aroma different and unique.

The plant is very productive so it is normal to see the clusters of its elongated fruits, which contain between 10 and 15 grams of very juicy, firm and somewhat acidic meat. This is a vegetable that is very rich in carbohydrates , it is mostly composed of water (93%) with low caloric content, making it ideal for salads and for use as part of a healthy diet.

Carbohydrates favor various aspects such as the regulation of temperature, muscle activity, blood pressure and neuronal activity, among other things. It contains phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, vitamins such as E, C, pro vitamin A, vitamin B1, B3, it is very rich in carotenoids or antioxidants beneficial to the body.

What do you need for cultivation?

It should be planted in full sun, since it has high light requirements. The ideal average temperature during the day is around 25ºC , while the nocturnal oscillates between 15ºC and 18ºC, and when these become extreme the plant suffers and its development is affected.

pear tomatoes that have not yet turned yellow

For example, if it exceeds 35º C, pollination will be affected since the flowers dry and fall, the fruit does not prosper and the tomato harvest decreases. If the temperature is below 12º C the plant stops growing. If it is a zone with very low temperatures, it is advisable to avoid passing the seedlings to the ground, until after the risk of frost occurring is minimized.


The first thing is to collect the seeds during the spring and place them in trays or containers , under the light and in a controlled and warm environment. When planting, a space of 2 to 3 meters should be left between the plants. The months to do it are from April to the end of July.

Germination occurs between the second and third week at a temperature of 70º F, the soil must be kept moist during this process . The fruits will be ready to collect from July to October.

It is important that the soil is rich in nutrients and for this you can prepare it before planting, applying fertilizer or fertilizer , and if it is a little acidic the results of the cultivation will be optimal.

If you are going to grow them in the garden, keep in mind that the space must have a minimum of 6 hours of daily sun , before passing the plant from the pot or container to the ground, you must make a hole twice the width of the pot. .


The plant needs continuous watering, as well as the application of fertilizer to the substrate, preferably liquid the first time and then a dry fertilizer. It is also recommended to use organic mulch , since it favors water retention and prevents weeds from proliferating.

If the summer is extremely hot, you may need to protect the plant with some shade to avoid damage from excess sun, now if the amount of water allows the substrate to stay moist enough, you will have no problems. You must place stakes to the plant, to avoid that the stem bends and the fruit reaches the ground where it can be damaged.


In the case of yellow tomato, this is a very popular vegetable to use in salads , in the preparation of sauces and countless dishes, as a garnish it is perfect, on skewers and even in drinks.

For its part, the yellow pear tomato is perfect for lovers of preserves , so they use them when they are at their peak to make preserves using chopped, whole, fried, crushed, etc., being the preferred one for the industries that are dedicated to this but also in homes.

Beyond this use, the yellow pear tomato is very juicy and refreshing so it is included in the preparation of recipes such as gazpacho, among other soups that are eaten cold, it is also perfect to accompany bread and some other snack.

Yellow tomato fun facts

tomato plant giving the first flowers of Solanum lycopersicum

The first record of cultivation of yellow pear tomatoes in Europe is 1,805. In 1847, the first crops were grown in the United States of three types of tomatoes, including yellow pear.

Seed producer Joseph Ellis in 1863 put yellow pear tomato seeds for sale in the cities of Denver and Utah, along with 99 other varieties. This is undoubtedly a variety of tomato that brings versatility and good flavor to the table , ideal to vary the menu a little.

Yellow pear tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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