What does it take to grow a plant

If you have just entered the world of gardening and would like to start having your own germinated plants, you will have to buy a series of things so that the experience is very rewarding and that your vegetables can have a good development. So, let’s see what it takes to grow healthy and strong plants. […]

When to copper tomatoes

We know that in-home gardens in general agriculture crops can be attacked by pests and diseases that decrease crop yields. One of the ways to protect plants against diseases is to use copper. However, many people do not know when to copper tomatoes. Tomatoes are plants that are attacked by numerous pests and diseases and they must be prevented […]

Melilotus indicus

One of the herbs that you can find in nature, and that is part of the species that populate the Mediterranean, as well as North Africa, Europe and Macaronesia, is Melilotus indicus . This plant, which is also present in America, Australia and Asia, is not very well known. But if you want to know a little about […]

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