What is the flora of Australia like and where is it found?

Image – Wikimedia/Dinkum // Daintree Rainforest (Australia) How is the flora of Australia? Where do you live? Both on the Australian continent and on the surrounding islands, we find many types of micro-climates that allow the growth of a certain group of plants. Thus, we can see both humid tropical forests and very dry regions […]

How to care for a camellia cutting in water?

The attractive flowers and glossy green leaves of camellias make them highly prized plants. If you have any specimen of this plant and want to reproduce it, a good method of doing this is by cuttings in water. It is a very simple and common task that does not require much work or hardly any […]

Monstera thai constellation, the white-speckled monstera

Among the types of monsteras that are on the market, one that rivals the variegated species is the Monstera thai constellation. With white spots along the leaves, it is one of the rarest, and also most appreciated, that you can find on the market. But how is this monstera? What care does she need? We […]

How to recover a sansevieria with excess water

Sansevieria, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is one of the easiest plants to care for. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have problems. In fact, you can find a sansevieria with excess water that will end up rotting it. Do you want to know your sansevieria? Know if you have excess water that can make […]

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