
Yellow leaves on orange tree: what to do?

The orange tree is a very pretty tree, especially when it produces its small, fragrant white flowers. But if there is something that worries all of us who have at least one specimen, it is the fact that sometimes, and perhaps for no apparent reason, its leaves turn yellow. And it is clear, a plant […]

Echeveria pulidonis | Gardening Where

Within the echeveria genus, there are more than 154 different varieties, many more even if we count the hybrids. One of the many that exist is the Echeveria puloninis. You know how it is? Below we are going to leave you a practical guide so that you can physically identify them (and differentiate them from […]

Purple wild flowers | Gardening Where

Imagine getting out of bed, opening the blind, looking out into your garden and seeing a blanket of colorful purple and purple plants. Do you like purple wildflowers? So why not have them in your garden? Below we give you a list of very resistant flowers that you could use to plant in your garden […]

Hanging cactus with flowers | Gardening Where

That cacti have flowers is a fact, but, Have you ever seen hanging cacti with flowers? And without thorns? If you have a terrace or balcony and you can hang a plant, if you live in a very hot area, this may be perfect for you not to worry about getting a lot of sun. […]

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