Garden design step by step (XV) – How to recycle a wheelbarrow

Do you have an old wheelbarrow and don’t know what to do with it? If so, we suggest you give it a makeover , and turn it into a planter. It’s very easy, and very fun.

Follow this step by step and you will discover how to recycle a wheelbarrow .

I really like dimorphotheques, but the problem I have is that the climate we have here favors them too much, making them grow… and grow… and end up invading everything. So I thought I’d give it a try, but on the wheelbarrow my father used in the past and which has deteriorated over the years.

What material do we need?


As always , it is much better to prepare all the material that we are going to use so that the task is much more enjoyable. In this case, it is:

  • Floors
  • Hammer
  • escape
  • White paint, and other colors that we like (I have used wall paint, but spray paint is also valid)
  • Brush
  • watering can with water
  • Substrate: consult our guide to know which one to use according to the plant you choose

Step by Step

Now that we have everything, let’s get started.

Step One – Removing Concrete Remnants


With the help of the hammer, we will hit it wherever there is concrete. Once finished, with the added help of the escarpment, we will make some holes that will serve to drain the water. Depending on the dimensions you have, a minimum of 8 small holes will be necessary.

clean wheelbarrow

You may have to hit both sides of the inside of the wheelbarrow to get the hole. But with patience and firmness, you will succeed.

Second step – Paint


This is the most entertaining task, and the most relaxing too. With the brush, we give it a first coat of white paint .

painted wheelbarrow

First a part…

white wheelbarrow

…and then the other.

Now, we let it dry in the sun for half an hour, and then we color it .

paint wheelbarrow

It’s not looking bad, right?

Step Three – Plant the Plants

Our wheelbarrow is painted, but… empty! It’s time to put plants. In this case, some dimorfotecas.

Dimorfoteca taken out of the pot

We take them out of the garden.

irrigate dimorphotheca

We plant them as if it were a normal pot transplant, and give it a good watering .

(OPTIONAL) Fourth step – Protect the truck

If you have jumping dogs like me 🙂 , you may need to protect the wheelbarrow , at least until the plants fill it up.

protected truck

If so, the use of wire mesh is highly recommended, with which it is completely wrapped .

dimorphotheca flower

And ready. Now you have a new wheelbarrow that looks great in your garden.

Do you need more help? Take a look at these other designs:

wheelbarrow with succulents
wheelbarrow with plants
wheelbarrow with plants
Forklift truck

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Garden design step by step (XV) – How to recycle a wheelbarrow

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