Is it possible to have a poinsettia outside?

The poinsettia, also called poinsettia, is a bush that is grown only for Christmas, without knowing that, with very basic care, it can live for a few years. In fact, this is a perennial plant, and not a seasonal one. The problem is that many times you don’t have it in the right place, and that’s when you have to ask yourself if it can be outside. Or not only that, but also this other: Is the poinsettia an outdoor plant?

And the answer to that question will give us the thermometer. Yes, no kidding: if the weather is warm, then you can be out and about; instead, if in autumn and winter temperatures drop below ten degrees Celsius, we will have no choice but to keep it indoors during those seasons (when the good weather returns, it can be taken outside again).

How do you care for a poinsettia outside?

Image – Wikimedia/Swaminathan

To do this, you must first know that this is a plant that needs heat, light, a soil that drains water well, and of course also water, since its resistance to drought is rather low. Starting from this, we will be able to talk in more detail about each of the care that we will provide you while you are away from home:

Sun or shade?

Yes, I just said that it needs light, but direct or filtered? Okay, if we are going to choose to have it at home for a few months a year, it is best that we protect it from direct sunlight when we take it out. And this is important for a reason: it is the only way to prevent the leaves from burning.

Another thing would be if we lived in an area where the weather is warm all year round and we decided to always have it in the garden. In this case, what we would do is expose it to direct sunlight little by little and gradually.

Pot or soil?

the poinsettia grows best in soil. It must be taken into account that it reaches a height of up to 4 meters, and that it also branches quite a lot (not as much as a tree would, for example, but it can have a crown of 2-3 meters wide). Of course, it can be potted; in fact, it is highly recommended to keep it in a container when it is going to be put inside the house as soon as temperatures start to drop; but if there are never frosts and we have a garden, it is preferable to plant it in the ground.

As for the land, it must be rich in organic matter and with good drainage.. In a pot, some people choose to plant it in a substrate for cacti and succulents, but I recommend filling the container with universal substrate such as this. Likewise, it is very important that said pot has some holes in the base so that the water comes out.

When do you have to water it?

If we start from the basis that it does not resist drought, but it does not like to have puddled water in its roots, what we will do is see if the soil is wet or dry before watering. To do this, we will introduce a wooden stick in it, and if when we take it out we see that it is dry, then we will water conscientiously; that is, pouring water until the earth is soaked.

In case you have doubts, take a look at this video in which we explain how to water the plants as if you were an expert:

And by the way use rainwateror one that has a low lime content.

When do you have to pay the poinsettia outdoors?

It should be done while it is growing, that is, from mid-spring until the end of summer.. We want it to come into winter as strong as possible, so the more it can grow during the year, the more likely it is to survive christmas.

For all this, I recommend fertilizing it with an organic fertilizer that contains many nutrients, such as guano (for sale here!), which also has rapid efficacy. But be careful: it is a very concentrated fertilizer, so although it is natural, you have to follow the instructions on the package so that problems do not arise.

What is the best time to plant it in the ground or in a larger pot?

Related article:

How to transplant a poinsettia

the poinsettia will be planted in the ground in spring. It must be done when temperatures exceed 15ºC, as this is when it begins to resume its growth.

In the event that you want to keep it in a pot, it will be done when the roots appear through the holes of the aforementioned, also throughout the spring.

Does the poinsettia resist the cold?

This it is a plant that resists cold, but not frost. This means that it can be outside all year round in places with tropical and subtropical climates, but not in those that are temperate. For this reason, in countries like Spain it is usually grown as an indoor plant, since, with the exception of some points in the Canary Islands and southern Andalusia, it is difficult for it to survive the winter.

Therefore, it is important that if we live in a place where it usually freezes, we take it inside the house before temperatures begin to drop below 15ºC.

I hope you can enjoy your poinsettia outside.

Is it possible to have a poinsettia outside?

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