Leaf of the Pteris sp

Ferns are plants with very peculiar characteristics: some look like palm trees with their trunk and fronds, and others, most of them, grow to a height of no more than 40cm. There are some, the Pteris, that are very decorative, since they develop in such a way that it can be said that they are hanging.

There are many varieties that are grown indoors, but you can also have it outdoors.

Characteristics of the Pteris

View of the leaves of the Pteris berteroana

Pteris beterona

Our protagonists are ferns native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The genus, Pteris, belongs to the Pteridaceae family and is made up of no more and no less than 280 species. They are characterized by having erect or slightly arched, compound fronds (leaves) of light or dark green color, and can reach a length of 2 meters..

As a curiosity, say that the species P. vittata has the ability to hyperaccumulate arsenic from the soilwhich is why it is being used as a kind of bioremediation. The discovery was published in the journal Nature.

How are they cared for?

Pteris wallichiana fern adult

Pteris wallichiana

If you would like to have a beautiful fern of this genus at home, follow our advice:

  • Location: it can be both indoors in a room with lots of light, and outdoors in semi-shade.
  • Irrigation: frequent in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. Water every 2-3 days in the hottest months, and every 5-6 days the rest. We must avoid waterlogging.
  • Soil or substrate: it is not demanding, but it grows better in those who have good sewer system.
  • Subscriber: it is very important to fertilize during spring and summer with liquid organic fertilizers, being the guano one of the most recommended for its rapid effectiveness.
  • Transplant or planting timeWhether you want to change the pot, something that must be done every 2 years, or planting it in the garden, you must do it in spring.
  • Rusticity: they are generally sensitive to cold. They need protection if the temperature drops below -2ºC.
Detail of the leaves of Pteris cretica

Cretaceous Pteris

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