How to turn a tire into a flower pot?

It is possible to turn a tire into a flowerpot

Today, due to the economic crisis we are suffering, recycled pots are more fashionable than ever, as they are cheap, and offer us many possibilities to have a decorative garden or patio. Tires are also very cheap.In fact, they can be free, since the wheels that are no longer useful, the mechanics tend to throw them away.

To turn tires into flower pots, no matter old or new, big or small: we just need a little imagination and desire to decorate our patio or garden with plants.

How is it done?

Tires can be pretty flower pots

There is a diversity of opinions: some turn the tire around, others do not. The easiest thing is not to do it, something that from my own experience I do not consider necessary either. But if we want to give it to him, it will be good to ask someone for help, because a lot of strength is required. Thus, while one person holds it, the other can turn it over.

Regardless of what we decide, the first thing we have to do is clean it up the best we can. We will do this with a cloth or a scourer soaked in water alone or with a little soap if we see that it has stains. Afterwards, we will let it dry in the sun.

To paint it I recommend using permanent paint spraysince in this way we will ensure that the paint reaches all corners of the wheel, and we will not have to give it another pass. This also saves time. They sell it in bazaars, hardware stores and stationery stores, both in physical stores and in electronic stores, such as here.

It can be placed on top of a gravel, earth, or grass floor. Or we can even make a hole and put it in, and put some plants inside and make it part of the garden.

To prevent the earth from going away, but at the same time the water does not puddle, we will place a grid or a plastic mesh inside the tireas we show in this video:

Can a tire be a pond?

Yes, without a doubt. But before we start, the first thing to do is turn the wheel. We will buy special plastic for ponds, and we will glue it well with a special glue for PVC or rubber, like this; or we will hold it with, for example, tweezers, fill it with water, and remove them.

I recommend making some holes in the upper part of the edge, to avoid that, if it rains a lot, the excess water can escape without damaging the pond.

There are many aquatic plants that are put in the ponds

Related article:

The 15 best aquatic plants for your pond

What plants to put in a tire?

Tires may be old

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A tire turned into a pot has become just that, a container in which to plant plants. But of course, we have to choose well those that we are going to put on, otherwise the tire would be too small. In fact, those that are most recommended are basically small plants:

  • Aquatic: mini water lily (such as Little Sue), foxtail, azolla, etc.
  • Low-growing shrubs and bushes: rosebushes, rockroses, heather, etc.
  • Aromatic: lavender, thyme, rosemary, mint, etc.
  • Cactus and succulents: mammillaria, echeveria, sempervivum, etc.
  • herbaceous flowers: petunias, carnations, pansies, etc.

So if you want to turn your old tires into flowerpots, don’t hesitate: get to work.

How to turn a tire into a flower pot?

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