+10 types of joy plant or impatiens

The alegría plant that they sell most often looks like a fragile herb, with numerous flowers that, although small, are very brightly colored and very cheerful. But the genus to which it belongs, Impatiens, is made up of about a thousand different species, distributed mostly throughout the tropical climate regions of the world.

Naming them all would take us a long time, so much so that we could write a book about them. But we will see the types of joy plants that are best knownwhich are quite numerous as you will be able to verify.

impatient auricoma

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Bendzh

The impatient auricoma It is a natural species of the Comoros archipelago, in the southeast of Africa. It is a small plant, which grows about 30 centimeters in heightand that after flowering and producing seeds in the same year of its germination, it dies. The flowers are yellow, about 2-3 centimeters, and bloom in spring-summer.

Irresistible balsam

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Wikimedia Commons

The Irresistible balsam It is one of the most common species. It is known as balsam or joy, and is native to South Asia. It is a herb that can live a few years if temperatures are always high.; Otherwise, it will be a nice annual plant with which to decorate the balcony or patio during the warm months. It grows up to 60 centimeters in height, and produces lilac, pink, white, yellow or red flowers in spring-summer.

Impatiens hawkeri

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Forest & Kim Starr

The Impatiens hawkeri It is a perennial or annual herb -everything will depend on how hot or cold the climate is-, native to Southeast Asia. It grows up to 60 centimeters in height, although it can reach 80 centimetersespecially if planted in the ground. Its flowers can be of very varied colors, such as pink, red, white or yellow.

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impatient of Mariana

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Diego Delso

The impatient of Mariana It is a most curious species: it has dark green and white leaves, so that it would be easy to think that it is a selected hybrid, but it is not: it is a pure species originating in India. It measures between 30 and 40 centimeters in height, and produces pink flowers. Now, it is very important that the temperatures remain above 10ºC and below 30ºC, since it does not like extreme cold or heat.

I bit impatiently

The I bit impatiently It is a natural annual herb from China. It measures 20-40 centimeters in height, and has green leaves with a very marked main vein.. Its flowers can be white, pink or lilac, and although they are small, when they sprout in spring they greatly embellish the plant. Of course, unlike other Impatiens, this is a species that prefers shady places.

Impatiens fengklaii

The Impatiens fengklaii It is a rare plant that, if it were not for its flower, it would be difficult to think that it is really an Impatiens. Why do I say this? Because its stem thickens so much that it forms a light brown caudex and with a width of about 5 centimeters. The flowers are reddish, and it is an indigenous species of Thailand, so we are talking about a species that will suffer if it is exposed both to temperatures below 13ºC, and to those that exceed 27ºC.

An impatient bird

The An impatient bird It is an herb native to Southeast Asia that reaches about 50 centimeters in height. Its leaves are green, and the flowers are red. It is a very rare type of joy plant, which, however, like other Impatiens, germinates in a few days or weeks -depending on when the seeds were collected and their viability- and grows fast.

Impatient of Niamey

Image – Flickr / Maja Dumat

The Impatient of Niamey It is a species native to Africa that lives for several years, as it is a perennial shrub. It reaches 60 centimeters in height, and its flowers are red and yellow, shaped like a hat.. Taking into account its origin, it should not be left out if the thermometer drops below 10ºC.

Impatient ‘Sunpatient’

Image – Flickr / Serres Fortier

The Impatient ‘Sunpatient’ It is a hybrid resulting from the crossing of a Impatiens hawkeri which we have already talked about, and two other varieties. They reach a height of about 20 centimeters, so they are small plants. The flowers measure about 2 centimeters, and can be of different colors: pink, red, yellow or white. His life is short, just a few months, but we must bear in mind that multiplies well from seeds if sown in late winter.

Impatiens walleriana

Image – Flickr / Mauricio Mercadante

The impatiens walleriana It is a species of perennial herb native to Africa. It measures between 20 and 50 centimeters, and develops green leaves. Its flowers bloom in spring-summer, and can be orange, red, purple or white.. It is popularly known by the names of joy of the house, balsam, miramelindo or valerian impatiens. But regardless of this, it is certainly a plant that will look beautiful on sunny balconies and patios.

Impatiens ‘Velvetea’

Image – Flickr / Maja Dumat

Impatiens ‘Velvetea’ is a lovely annual herb. It is a cultivar of I bit impatiently this means that it is not found in the wild. It reaches 30 centimeters in height, maximum 40. What is most striking are its leaves: dark green with a pink central nerve. The flowers are small, white.

What is your opinion of these types of joy plants that we have shown you?

+10 types of joy plant or impatiens

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