Timothy grass: A common grass in the pasture of animals

field full of plants called Phleum pratense

Timothy grass is a type of perennial herbaceous plant considered polyfunctional due to all the possible uses it has, including the main one that is to reduce the symptoms of certain allergies such as pollen and asthma.

History and reasons for using timothy grass

timothy grass or Phleum pratense next to a tree

Also known as Phleum pratenseThis plant is reliable and gives good results in children between 4 and 15 years old and adults in general, although, in many cases, it produces adverse effects; that is, it solves the problem, but creating another.

However the latter are less serious such as an itchy throat, blisters in the mouth, and a cold. Although suffering from any of them is better than severe asthma, they last for many days and it costs both to reduce the condition and to heal it.

Anyway, it is essential that you know that if you are pregnant or have a child under three years of age, you cannot under any circumstances medicate it with timothy grass, because the consequences are usually much worse.

Of course, allergies to pollen, ash, cat and chemicals, among many others, become evident over the years of a person. When you are young, it is more difficult for you to be exposed to any of the allergens present in the environment. As long as you contract a pathology of any element, it is almost impossible to realize that it is due to it and not to another factor. At the same time, your immune system evolves And you can become allergic to something that you weren’t before.

The truth is that timothy grass it is one of the best known and most distributed herbs in the world. So much so that there are even different variants of it and it has an important role in the sources of grass for animals and serves to feed rabbits and chinchillas. It is that timothy grass is not something new; originated by settlers in the XNUMXth century and later popularized (and increasingly cultivated) by 1760. From that moment to the present it was used for different tasks and problems.


This plant is useful for humans and animals. In the latter it is used as hay for horses because it contains a lot of fiber and provides quality equine nutrition, another of the sectors where it stands out the most. As if that were not enough, a few years ago there were even companies linked to animals or their respective activities that relied on timothy grass and even applied it to exotic and small living beings, which implied a revolution since, until now, it was only used on horses.

It should be noted that timothy grass is most useful on cold days but, more than anything, in autumn and winter. For its part, during the spring its pollen can become an allergen for certain individuals. In this century, the properties of the grass began to be used to implement a new vaccine against hay fever whose effect allows optimize the immune system of people (especially adults) and that are not affected by pollen.

single plant called Phleum pratense

For all this the phleum pratense it seems like an excellent opportunity for merchants and entrepreneurs; The idea of ​​”I am going to grow this herb since it is not easily available and gives good results” can come to the mind of any young person looking to enter the market.

However, cultivating the timotea herb is not easy: you must do it with time, patience, in recommended places or if its development is possible and comply with all the pertinent indications in order to obtain it in the best way. It is about achieving that around the cultivation there is a well-drained soil, with sturdy soilwith a humid climate (preferably mountain), high rainfall and an average temperature of 20 degrees for optimal and effective performance, among others.

In turn, this crop can be prepared throughout its process in peat bogs (basins) that do not become swampy. Also (although not recommended) you can on land or spaces with little rain. While its obtaining as such and its application in patients with different pathologies or inconveniences explain the why the importance of preparing it in the best possible conditions.

How to know if I am allergic to timothy

The pollen that can be found in timothy grass is the cause of several diseases, the most common being the asthma, the so-called hay fever and conjunctivitis. This herb is one of the most common that we can findespecially in summer and in temperate climates, so it is important to know what the symptoms are to treat this type of disease as soon as possible. If you suffer from an allergy, you will find out soon, because simply a few simple symptoms are enough to know that you are suffering from an allergy to that plant. For example, it is very normal for your eyes to sting, sting and red. You will also notice how your nose itches and you will even start sneezing without being able to stop.

If you have an allergy, we are facing a problem, since pollen floats in the air and there is not much we can do. The best of all is to visit your GP and explain your symptoms. This will send you to perform several tests to know what you may be allergic to and thus avoid pollination seasons. If you know that timothy grass is the cause of these symptoms, try not to drive with the windows down, do not open the windows at home, wear glasses so that pollen does not seep into your eyes, among other very simple things that you can do. .

field full of branches of the Phleum pratense

The plants placed in streets, fields and rural areas are much more than the wonderful green and flowery that you often see. Although many are allergic, they are useless and easily destroyed, others are very useful. The case of the timothy grass It is the example of the cultivation and exploitation of an element that, at first glance and from ignorance, has no interference but that is very useful for the lives of many people who were able to heal great inconveniences.

Timothy grass: A common grass in the pasture of animals

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