How are spearmint and peppermint different?

Potted peppermint


Peppermint and peppermint are herbaceous plants so similar that it can be very difficult to tell them apart if you are a beginning gardener. And, although both have practically the same culinary uses that we will now see and need the same care, it is important to know what the characteristics of each are since their aroma is different.

Thus, if you are wondering how these two wonderful plants differ, read on!

As they are?


Peppermint flowers

Peppermint, whose scientific name is mint spicata, it is a lively herbaceous plant that reaches 30 centimeters in height. Its leaves are lanceolate, glabrous, hairy on the underside and with a serrated edge.

The flowers are grouped in terminal inflorescences, and have a calyx with five sepals (leaves that form the calyx of the flower) more or less equal. The corolla is lilac, pink or white, very glandular and up to 3mm long. It has an extensive and invasive root system.


Mentha x piperita plant

The plant we know as mint is a sterile hybrid herbaceous obtained from the crossing of water mint (Aquatic Mentha) and peppermint. Its scientific name is Mentha x piperite. It is a lively plant that measures between 30 and 70cm in height. Its leaves are opposite, oval, hairy, between 4 and 9cm long by 2-4cm wide, with a sharp apex and serrated margins.

The flowers are grouped in terminal inflorescences identical to those of peppermint, but purple or pink in color. But due to its sterility only multiplies from underground rhizomes. In addition, the aroma that its leaves give off is somewhat milder than that of peppermint.

What uses do they have?

Mentha x piperita flowers


  • Peppermint: it is consumed as an infusion drink, and to flavor candies, chewing gum, ice cream. It is also used to dress salads, soups, meats.
  • Mint: it is consumed as an infusion drink, and also to flavor candies, chewing gum, ice cream. In addition, it is used to dress salads, soups, game and lamb.


  • Peppermint: in infusion it is used to treat digestive problems, intestinal gas, and inflammation of the liver. Topically, it acts as an anti-irritant and pain reliever.
  • Mint: in infusion it is used to treat digestive disorders, muscle aches, headaches, bad colds and coughs. Topically it is a good relief from pain caused by cavities, and in compresses for insect bites.

We hope it has been useful to you .

How are spearmint and peppermint different?

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