How to protect plants from high temperatures?

protect plants and flowers from heat

Summer and high temperatures tend to pass through all countries or most of them, then ¿how can we protect our plants in this case? And you should know that our plants must be watered constantly, we bear in mind that during the summer, due to the high temperatures and hot soil, we must water them at the times that are cooler, either in the morning just before that the sun rises or in the afternoon after sunset.

Now if we have a automatic irrigation systemthe ideal is to program it during the night, being advisable to do it during these hours due to the fact that at noon the ground is very hot and a lot of water would be wasted, since it evaporates more quickly and easily.

Steps to protect plants from high temperatures

water our potted plants

In addition to those plants that provide some type of fruit, we can provide relaxation during these temperatures and through water irrigation.

The usual thing is that a garden is watered every two daysthat is, one day yes and one day no, we also recommend increasing the frequency of irrigation so that the soil remains moist, which is ideal. In addition, you can also provide a padding so that this moisture is kept in the ground in such a way that plant roots can absorb water when necessary and thus contrast the high ambient temperatures.

If we have the plants in pots, they must be watered daily and whenever a heat stroke can occur, since these plants are more at the mercy because they are in pots.

To water them, if possible install a drip irrigation systemthis would be perfect, since the dew is produced little by little and the water is filtered in an easier way, avoiding waterlogging, which can be dangerous because it can produce some unwanted fungus at the base of the stem or on the trunk .

We must bear in mind that the irrigation of our plant will also be proportional to the size, type of plant and the place where you live.

In other cases we can place containers with water that when it evaporates generates a humidityespecially in an orchard. There is a method called the capillarity method, this is usually very effective as long as there is someone who is in charge of supervising it, there are even other types of irrigation that come in bottles and are watered drop by drop.

For care of our plants during these hot seasons it is necessary to use some protectors.

care plants summer

In the case of pots, you can cover with heather fabrics or fabrics to avoid direct sunlight contact with the plant and to heat it up faster. We can also place the plants together so that they protect each other and maintain a little more humid environment.

Many pests are on the lookout for our plants, such as fungi, mites, mealybugs and / or aphids, these being the more likely to appear during this hot season, so you should keep an eye on your plants so that you can act early in case one of these pests appears.

With the strong heat that summer provides, it is of the utmost importance that the care of our plants is greater than those of the other seasons of the year and is that during the summer they are exposed to a lot of damagesuch as dehydration or contamination by pests. In addition to the fact that the care must be greater if we have our plants on a terrace or in a place where the sun and heat hits with greater intensity.

So do not let any of this happen, here we have already given you some tips on how to wear the care of each of your plants. It is also crucial that you use compost, it is necessary to keep the soil fertile during the summer.

How to protect plants from high temperatures?

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