Peperomia pereskiifolia plant

Our Peperomia They are plants that look great in homes. There are a total of 1160 species, and all of them are very different from each other. In nurseries we find a great variety, so choosing one is not always easy.

But What care do they require? Their appearance seems to indicate that they are very fragile; Does this correspond to reality?

Peperomia is a low ideal

The truth is that growing Peperomia is not easy. Being native to the tropical and subtropical regions of central and northern South America and Africa, they are not used to cold, much less frost, so when they are kept in places where the winter climate drops below 10ºC, they immediately suffer. Its leaves begin to turn brownish-green, or sometimes even directly rot and fall off. for not being able to withstand low temperatures.

To this problem we must add another: irrigation. During the warm spring and summer months they want regular watering, every 2-3 days, but in fall and winter they need much less water since the growth is practically null. For this reason, during these last two seasons you have to water every time the soil is dry, and for this we have to check the degree of humidity it has by introducing, for example, a thin wooden stick and see if it comes out with a lot of substrate attached to it ( which will mean that it is very humid) or not.

Peperomia caperata 'Emerald Ripple Pepper' plant

It is also important to add that We must place them in a room where a lot of light comes in from outside so that they can grow without problems. But it is necessary that they are protected from drafts, both cold and warm, since otherwise their leaves would wither and soon fall.

We hope that with these tips you can enjoy your Peperomia for a longer time .