Four types of maples to have in the garden

Maple palmate

The castles They are plants that grow as trees or as shrubs in all the cool climates of the world. Its leaves and its bearing are very elegant, something that has always attracted numerous garden designers and plant lovers. The Japanese maple (Maple palmate) or the silver mapleSugar syrup) are two of the species that we can have in our garden as long as our climate is temperate all year round, with cool or cold winters.

If you would like to know more about some of these beautiful trees, you’re in a good placesince we tell you everything below.

Maple palmate

Purple palmate maple

The Maple palmatebetter known as Japanese maples, grow as trees or saplings throughout most of Asia. They can be found mostly inhabiting the mountains of China and Japan. Its main characteristic is undoubtedly the color that its leaves acquire both in spring when they sprout, and in autumn. They are very ornamental, and most of the varieties sold in nurseries are suitable for small gardens; but if you have doubts, ask the professional of the nursery how tall the tree will be once adult.

Although they are very easy plants in suitable climatesIn other words, in climates where the summers are mild and the winters are cold, in climates such as the Mediterranean they have difficulties to adapt due to the dryness of the environment and the excessive summer heat.

Maple palmate leaf

The best known is undoubtedly the Maple Palm »Dark Purple»a shrub or small tree with purple-red palmate leaves. However, we can also find the varieties »Seyriu» green leaves and one of the most resistant to the sun, the »Bloodgood» which has intense red leaves similar to those in the photo above, or at the “Orange Dream” which also grows as a tree or sapling and has beautiful orange leaves.

Most species are fairly fast growing. In addition, they reproduce easily by cuttings or by seeds, which must spend the winter in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6º to be able to germinate.

Sugar syrup

Sugar syrup

The Sugar syrupbetter known as silver maple, is native to the American continent, specifically central and eastern North America. It is a tree that can grow to a height of no more and no less than 25 meters, with a width of approximately 10m. Without a doubt, it is a tree to use as an isolated specimen, even to provide shade.

Of this species there are numerous cultivars, each more interesting. Among them are the »Pyramidal» that grows in the shape of a pyramid, or the »Albovariegatum» variegated leaves.

Sugar syrup

Has a rapid growth if the weather is good. It reproduces mainly by seeds, which must be stratified in the refrigerator for three months. Because of cuttings, it does not usually turn on, as its wood is soft.

From this maple, as well as from the red maple (Acer) what is known as Maple syrup.

sharp opal

Acer opalus leaves

The sharp opal He is the most “southern” (we could put it that way) of all the family. Originally from the Mediterranean, passing through Germany and Africa, it resists limestone soils and the heat of summer without problems as long as it does not lack water. It is a beautiful tree that can reach an approximate height of 20 meters. In autumn, its leaves are dressed in an intense red color.

Subspecies »Garnetian» It is found in the Sierra de Tramuntana (in the north of the island of Mallorca, Balearic Islands), as well as in the eastern mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the north of the African continent. While the subspecies »Opalus» prefers cooler climates and can only be found in the eastern half of Spain.

sharp opal

This is a ideal tree for shadeto be used in alignments or planted in groups. As long as the weather is good, it can be seen very ornamental throughout the year. In addition, it does not usually have pest or disease problems.

It reproduces by seeds or by cuttings.

Acer pseudoplatanus

Acer pseudoplatanus leaf

And we end this list with, perhaps, the most majestic of all, the Acer pseudoplatanusbetter known as a false banana. This is a tree that needs a lot of land to be seen in all its splendor. With a height of 30 meters and a width of 15-20m, it is not that it gives shade or…, it is ideal to enjoy a picnic with the whole family under the tree.

It is native to Europe and Asia, where it lives in areas of mild and humid climatewith the seasons well differentiated and abundant rainfall.

Acer pseudoplatanus

The false banana, like all trees especially without are very large, they form an ecosystem in themselvesthat is to say, it will attract numerous insects which in turn will attract the attention of their predators (birds, birds, …). Thus, if in addition to gardening you like birds, with a single tree you can enjoy both.

It reproduces by seeds and also by cuttings.

And now comes the question of, perhaps, a difficult answer: What is your favorite?

Four types of maples to have in the garden

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