How to recover a ficus that has lost its leaves

How to recover a ficus that has lost its leaves

A ficus is one of the most common evergreen plants that you can have both indoors and outdoors. The problem is that, sometimes, you can find that it loses its leaves. And you don’t really know what happened. Do you want to know how to recover a ficus that has lost its leaves?

So, pay attention to the advice that we are going to give you and the reasons why this problem can occur to recover it and that nothing happens to it. Shall we start?

How to recover a ficus that has lost its leaves

Leaf details

To recover a ficus that has lost its leaves, the first thing you need to know is what happened to make this happen. That is to say, what reasons have made it start to lose its leaves. These can be due to stress, lack of water, light… and knowing this is how you can recover it, because you will act on the specific problem to solve it.

Thus, in most cases the solution to recover it is in the following.


One of the reasons why a ficus begins to lose leaves is because it does not receive enough light. With that We do not mean that you need to give it direct light, far from it, but it does need a minimum of indirect light per day, and when it does not receive it, that is when the leaves begin to fall.

Outside you would only have to change its location to a more illuminated area. Indoors, most likely you should change it too. But if you already had it in the area with the most light and it has lost (or is losing) its leaves, then you may have to buy a special LED lamp for plants that gives it the light it needs.


Many times we have warned you that there are plants that do not tolerate drafts. One of the consequences of this is that the plant loses its leaves. And that is what can happen to the ficus. If in the room or location where you have it, your ficus is exposed to the wind, air conditioning, fans, heating… then it will be normal for it to run out of leaves, because it does not tolerate them at all.

In addition, all this causes the humidity to drop and it will suffer. A sign that this may be happening to your ficus is that the leaves turn brown, especially at the tip.

And what to do to recover a ficus that leaves it falling for this reason? Well, you can change its location. It is the most effective, although you will have to make sure that, where you put it, it is correct.

poor quality land


Either because you have transplanted it, or because you have bought it in the store, the ficus are somewhat demanding plants with the substrate that must be used. They need the soil to be very rich in nutrients and at the same time light.

The problem is that, if you don’t take it into account, it is normal that, over time, that soil will compact, preventing air from circulating through the roots, and with it, that it ends up suffocating.

The solution to prevent your ficus from dying from this is to change the substrate to a good quality one. and with a good drainage mix.

lack of moisture

The ficus are plants that need relative humidity. At least 50%. For this reason, when this fails, and we do not realize it, the plant begins to shed its leaves.

To avoid it, it is best to spray in the hottest months in order to nourish it. In fact, if you do it and this is the reason why it ran out of leaves, it is normal for you to recover it and see that it sprouts again.

Lack of excess water

Ficuses, like other plants, or even people, do not like extremes. Neither the lack of water, nor the excess of it. So you must be aware that you are giving it the right watering.

In this regard, if you need more water, the leaves will turn yellow, or they will fall off, and even when touched, that happens. Solution? Increase watering.

In the case of excess, recovering a ficus that has dropped its leaves is not easy. In fact, it is quite complicated to achieve. But you can try. For a start, the leaves you will see that they begin to have dark green, brown or black spots and that the earth, visually, is soaked. If that happens to you, it is best to remove it, remove all the soil and replant it dry. You should not water until a few days have passed and wait until fungi have appeared that endanger the health of the plant.

Plagues and diseases

We continue giving you reasons why a ficus loses leaves and how to recover them. And, of course, pests and diseases are another of them. In fact, in the early stages you won’t have a problem, because you won’t even find out.

When a ficus begins to drop its leaves, it is because that plague or disease is already very advanced.

to get her back, The first thing is to clean the leaves with water or alcohol and treat it with insecticide or something similar. so that the plague does not appear.

In case it is a disease, you will have to know what it is in order to buy the appropriate treatment to help you fight the problem.

Lack of space


Finally, another of the reasons why a ficus loses leaves is because it does not have space. In a pot, the ficus will grow to the point that there will come a time when the roots come out from below. But if you don’t look at it, and this happens, all of a sudden, not being able to go on, it will end up losing its leaves because it can’t feed anymore (and it doesn’t have space left). And it is that in those cases it consumes the earth in such a way that it will only be a tangle of roots that have no food.

Solution? Be aware of this and transplant it to another larger space so that it has adequate land to grow and feed. And be careful, even if you are bald you can consider doing it; hopefully it could sprout again.

Do you have any questions about recovering a ficus that has lost its leaves?

How to recover a ficus that has lost its leaves

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