Navelina orange: main characteristics and care

naranjo navelina

As you know, within the orange tree varieties there are many and knowing them all is almost impossible. However, some stand out above others, such as the Navelina orange, one of those that you can plant in cold areas and with not very good soils.

Do you want to know more about this plant? Then keep reading because we have prepared a guide with which you will be able to discover the characteristics and care that this plant needs to get ahead. Go for it?

What is the navelina orange like?

orange tree

To learn a little more about the navelina orange variety we have to move to 1900, approximately, and specifically to the United States. Apparently, this species arose there. However, it was not widely cultivated in the country and, in 1993, it was taken to Spain. Unlike in its country of origin, it is quite well received on Spanish soil, both for the quality of the fruits it bears and for its productivity and earliness (it takes little time to bear fruit). That is why even today it is one of the most cultivated orange varieties.

Yes indeed, it will not be the same to eat an orange from the tree than one from a department store (or sites that are dedicated to it). Apparently, a navelina orange tree in the home garden will give oranges that will not look anything like the ones you can buy in stores. And this is because, as they mature so quickly, treatments are used to avoid it, which means that the flavor they have is not what it really should have.

This orange tree can easily reach ten meters in height, although now it is common to prune it and keep it at two or three meters.

The leaves are a dark green that contrasts greatly with the fruit that it gives us. By the way, this can be obtained from the two years of the tree’s life, always from the middle or end of October to February.

Regarding the Navel oranges, as they are called, are large and globose in shape. When peeling them, the skin is usually very easy from the pulp and they are of a very intense orange color.

Navelina orange care

groups of navelina oranges

Now that you know the navelina orange a little better, how about we talk to you about its care? Being one of the fruit trees that you can plant at home, and thus enjoy oranges in the autumn and winter season, it can be interesting to have it at home. On the one hand, it will decorate you, and on the other it will make you save on the shopping cart (because unless there are a lot of you or you eat a lot, you will have oranges from the tree to the table directly).

It is not a very complex plant to care for, but it does have some specific needs that you should be aware of. Specifically the following:

location and temperature

The first thing you should know about the navelina orange tree is that it needs a outside location. Even when you have it in bonsai, it is best to place it in a window, on the patio, in the garden… but always where it has full sun.

However, The sun of the north of Spain is not the same as that of the south, the latter is quite a bit stronger and might need more of a semi-shade location than a direct sun one. Unless you can be very aware of him and watch him.

As for the temperature, it is not a very delicate tree. It withstands high temperatures well, and also low ones. (around -5ºC). Lower than that, you will have a problem because the fruits are going to freeze. For this reason, in areas where the temperature drops a lot, it would be convenient to protect it with a thermal mesh (both the tree itself and the roots).


In the case of the earth, the navelina orange can tolerate calcareous soils (although it is best if it has a pH between 6 and 6.6). But you have to make sure you have a good soil, fertile and above all with good drainage since it does not tolerate that the roots are flooded and it is better to watch it (so that fungi or important diseases do not appear).

A good mix can be a universal substrate with earthworm humus and perlite or some larger drainage.


Although you may think that orange trees are plants that require a lot of water, the truth is that this is not the case. You have to water them, of course, but not flood them; it is preferable to water less but more times than to spend with it.

Also, this is one of the trees that they would work much better with a drip irrigationsince it can help you control the amount of water it receives and that it does not dry out too much from the heat.

If it works for you, one of the general irrigation guidelines is the following:

  • If you have it in a pot, it is watered in the summer months about three times a week, while in autumn and winter 1-2 times a week is sufficient. In spring these risks are increased as the heat arrives.
  • In case you are on the ground, It is best to water it as we have told you, with drip irrigation.


oranges on tree

For navelina orange subscribers, the best thing to do is use an organic or natural one, such as manure or with other plants (for example, the water used to cook tomatoes for fried tomatoes is a very rich source for these fruit trees).

This should be added in early spring, but you can also combine it with citrus fertilizer.


Pruning is usually done at the end of winter or early summer. removing branches that look dry, diseased or cross and prevent good aeration of the tree.

During the summer you may have to cut it again, but only as maintenance so that it does not lose the shape it has.

Plagues and diseases

Among the pests that the navelina orange tree can suffer are the leafminers, red spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies… That is why you have to keep an eye on it to treat it at the first symptoms. As prevention you can use Neem oil, paraffin…

In the case of diseases, you have fungal or virus infection.


The way to propagate the navelina orange tree is through the seeds. These are collected in autumn and left to dry for planting in spring.

We already tell you that the navelina orange tree is one of the most resistant plants there is, in addition to having a fruit that does not have seeds in general and with a very good flavor, as well as being quite productive. Do you dare to have it in your garden?

Navelina orange: main characteristics and care

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