Indoor plant diseases

Having a plant involves monitoring its development over time. And it is that, although we have it inside the house, that does not protect it from the diseases of indoor plants, to which it is exposed and can end its life.

But what are the most common indoor plant diseases? Do you have a solution? How will you realize it? If you are wondering if that vegetable gift that you want so much can suffer from a disease or plague, then we will tell you which are the most common and how to treat them.

The main causes of indoor plant diseases

The main causes of indoor plant diseases

The first thing you should know is that all indoor plant diseases tend to be caused by various causes. Sometimes it is a combination of several of them, while other times it is just because something has been produced that has not been properly adjusted to the plant.

For example , among these causes we have :

The most common indoor plant diseases

The most common indoor plant diseases

You should know that 95% of the diseases suffered by indoor plants are due to fungi. However, there are 5% that can be caused by bacteria or viruses, which are more difficult to eradicate (because there are no products that are 100% effective and that is why fighting them is more complicated).

In general, the most common indoor plant diseases that can occur on your plants are:


Also called gray mold, it is a disease that appears on young and older plants. It is characterized by infecting the leaves, buds, flowers and even the stems. An obvious sign of this problem is that gray mold grows that covers the plant, even causing it to rot.

To eradicate it, it is necessary to apply an anti-rotitis treatment but also place the plant in a place with good lighting and ventilation, reducing (or suddenly cutting off) waterings and humidity) and eliminating the diseased parts or with greater presence to prevent them from spread.


This disease mainly affects the roots of plants and can be caused by various types of fungi, the most common being F usoium oxysporium, Phythium spp. or Rhizoctonia solani.

You will notice this problem because the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow and, in a short time, turn brown and fall off. It will grow more and more, since the roots are rotting and that prevents the plant from being able to get ahead.

There are not many solutions in this case, beyond trying to change the soil to sanitize the roots in passing and eliminate excess water or fungi that may exist, use chemical treatments and reduce irrigation as much as possible.

Powdery mildew

Although this is one of the diseases of indoor plants that most affects outdoor plants, it can also appear in homes and will be caused by fungi such as Uncinula spp., Sphaerotheca spp. , etc.

To detect it, nothing like seeing a white powder on the leaves above all. This dust is getting bigger and attacking the leaves, which will begin to dry and fall.

There are several solutions, from fungicides such as sulfur or chemicals.


This is one of the most common indoor plant diseases and is seen with the naked eye in many indoor plants. What it does is that the leaves look like rotten , but only part of it. It is as if they suffer from burn marks that disfigure the leaves and make them useless.

The solution is to remove these leaves as soon as possible so that the plant can grow new ones. But you will also have to apply fungicides since, being produced by a fungus, it could affect the others (or even the stem).

pests and diseases in indoor plants


They are common outdoors, but also indoors. You will see as small dots that can be white, black or yellow. In addition, in a short time they can end up infecting the entire plant, so you have to act as quickly as possible.

For this, the best are the treatments against this pest as well as insecticides that can help you get rid of them.


It is perhaps the most complicated with which you are going to have to fight. In general, one of the most effective ways to eliminate mealybugs is by applying a cotton swab with alcohol on the plant , or by using an old toothbrush to remove those white fluff that can become animals that roam the plant and feed on it. .

There are also chemicals that are usually very effective.

As you can see, there are many indoor plant diseases that can compromise the health of your plant. In this case, the best advice we can give you is observation. And, if you are aware of the plants, the most normal thing is that you realize when something is not going well, so you can act much faster and get it to recover without damaging it too much.

Do you know more common diseases in indoor plants? Has it happened to you? You can tell us about your case to help others.

Indoor plant diseases

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