Why can’t you burn leaves?

Why you can't burn leaves photo description

Starting from mid-autumn, many owners clean their gardens, cottages, and homesteads. The main part of the garbage in the garden is fallen leaves. Usually fallen leaves are composted, but there are people who burn them and cause irreparable damage to the health of others and the environment.

What is the harm from burning leaves?

You cannot burn leaves because:

  1. The probability of spontaneous uncontrolled fires, including fires in forests and residential areas, is growing sharply.
  2. Thick smoke can cause a short circuit on the power line, it is a semiconductor.
  3. Burning leads to the destruction of the upper, fertile soil layer.
  4. After burning, ash is formed, and the leaves do not decompose into humic acids, which are the basis of high-quality soil.
  5. The food base for some species of amphibians and small rodents is disappearing.
  6. Beneficial species of insects that partially form the soil are destroyed.
  7. Without leaves, the upper layer of the soil freezes.
  8. The smoke causes coughing, itching in the throat, exacerbation in people with asthma, allergies, and an increase in the risk of cancer.
  9. When burning leaves, rubber, tree residues and other debris are often burned and resins and sulfur compounds are released.
  10. When burning 1 ton of leaves, up to 10 kg of microparticles are released

The smoke produced by burning leaves contains:

  • Benzopyrene is a very strong carcinogen, which causes the development of cancer, as well as mutation of the DNA of cells;
  • Heavy metals – cause damage to the liver and various organ systems;
  • Nitrogen dioxide – causes tissue destruction;
  • Carbon monoxide is inseparably bound to hemoglobin, and the blood cannot carry oxygen.

There are direct prohibitions on burning leaves in the current legislation of Ukraine. This is mentioned in the Laws “On the Protection of the Natural Environment, “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”, “On Improvements in Settlements”. Also, this offense can be punished with a fine of up to 8 thousand hryvnias.

How right dispose of fallen leaves?

The first method is leaf composting. For this, they choose a structure made of metal or wood, into which the leaves are folded and gradually compacted. After tamping, it is necessary to moisturize from time to time. You can also dig trenches in the ground, in which you can put leaves. After 6-8 months, a ready-made compost will be formed, which can be used to fertilize the soil, as well as for indoor plants.

The second method of disposal is mulching perennials, trees and bulbs with leaves. This will help them survive the winter season, and will protect them from weeds in the spring.

Preparations for composting

Currently, there are many preparations that facilitate the composting of organic residues. Both in dry and liquid form.

Main advantages drugs for composting:

  • Eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • Increase the content of humus in the soil;
  • They stop the development of fungal diseases in the fields;
  • Reduce dependence on the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Update microbiocenosis groups in the soil;
  • Convert hazardous organic waste into biologically active compounds;
  • They spread the remains of stems, leaves, roots in the fields;
  • They form pure organic fertilizer.

Biopreparation Source for compost

A dry bacterial preparation that saturates the soil with nutrients, accelerates leaf composting processes. It also quickly eliminates unpleasant odors in residue accumulations.

Unique-c destructor for decomposition of organic waste

Dry bacterial concentrate, which is intended for use in cesspools and composters, as well as for cleaning sewers. A safe and highly effective composting agent.

Read also Rose garden for the princess.

Published: 05.11.2019

Why can’t you burn leaves?

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