Pruning time for blueberry and currant bushes

The pruning of those bushes that bear fruit is extremely necessary to keep them productive. It will be necessary to maintain the vigor of the plant and prevent it from pests and diseases if we want to obtain a quality harvest later. Here are some basic concepts with which you can achieve it.


Blueberries ( Vaccinium sp. )

Its pruning is done once a year in spring , starting in mid-March. The new dwarf varieties do not require pruning during the first 3-4 years after planting, it will simply be necessary to remove the branches that dry out, break or die during the winter.

Over the years it will be necessary to remove diseased or dead branches, those that are too thin, not very productive or that do not receive enough light. Most of the fruits come from the branches that are approximately one year old and whose measure is between 15-20 cm long. The branches that have passed the 6 years produce much less, so they must be eliminated to give way to younger ones.


Currant ( Ribes sp. )

The best time to prune gooseberries is in spring, immediately after the frosts are gone. The shape of the bush should be emphasized, removing the old branches from the base of the plant, leaving a maximum of 15 branches between 1 and 3 years old.

The branches of 4 years and older will be eliminated during spring pruning as well as all unnecessary, fragile, dry or diseased branches.

Pruning time for blueberry and currant bushes

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