Maranta leuconeura: care | Gardening On

Image source Maranta leuconera: care: Floresyplantas

Within the genus of marantas, the maranta leuconera is one of the best known and appreciated for its leaves with green and red tones. Its care is very simple, but it is true that you need to know a little in depth what the needs to cover are to avoid major problems.

Next we discover you what are the care of the maranta leuconera and everything you need to know so that this prayer plant grows healthy and fast in your home.

Caring for the maranta leuconera

The leukone snow it is characterized by growing in width, and not in length. Its branches are not strong enough to support the weight, which is why it is sold as a hanging plant or as a creeping plant. Therefore, it is indicated in small spaces.

Its stems are quite long and take root easily, so it is logical that, when you have it, in a short time it can increase its size.

Originally from Central and South America, this plant has very striking leaves. On the underside they will be completely red while, on the upper side, they are light green complete with touches of dark green, yellow or white and red. in the area of ​​the veins of the leaves.

Something that not many know is that this plant, called “prayer plant” moves. During the day it usually has its leaves unfolded but, as it loses light, they fold like when we put our hands together when praying. So does this plant.

And do you want to know their care? Well, pay attention.

Lighting and temperature

Let’s start with the first. The location of your maranta leuconera. You should know that, in their natural habitat, they are on the ground and surrounded by vegetation much taller than themwhich makes them hardly receive sunlight. And that is what you must provide. Place it in a semi-shaded area, where it receives some light, but not too much.

If what you want is for the drawing of the leaves to look very clear, then it is best to give it a little light, perhaps first or last thing in the morning, so that it maintains that shine.

Regarding its temperature, you must take into account that the ideal is between 20 and 25 degrees. Does that mean you can’t take it anymore? Actually, yes, it can withstand more degrees without a problem, as long as you monitor the humidity in the room (because it will prevent the leaves from drying out and appearing burned).

Now, if the temperature drops below 5 degrees things change, and the plant itself could suffer a lot, so you have to take it into account.


In case you have to transplant it, which you can do when you see the roots come out (since it is a more horizontal than vertical plant you may not have to transplant it as quickly as others).

The earth to use we recommend that it be very light. you can use a substrate mix, perlite and some orchid soil or leca to help ensure that the roots are always well aerated, as this is important.


We arrive at one of the most important, and decisive, care of the maranta leuconera. If you go too far, it dies, and if you fall short, too.

To give you an idea. As it is a plant that is more indoors than outdoors, watering both in summer and winter is not as abundant as in other plants.. You can water it once a week in summer and every 10-15 days in summer.

Actually, The most important thing and where you should focus your efforts is on humidity. It needs a high environmental humidity.

To do this, you can put a plate with stones or pebbles, one with perlite and water or a humidifier. In this way, you will help it to be nourished by that water without needing constant watering (in winter you might even not have to water if you keep it well humid).


During the spring and summer months it might be advisable to fertilizer to give him more strength. We recommend that it be liquid fertilizer and that you mix it with the irrigation water.

You can put it in the humidifier (or in the water dish) or place it in the irrigation water. Both options are fine and can be quite effective.

Plagues and diseases

In general, we can say that pests and diseases are not a very important problem when it comes to caring for the leukonera arrowroot. But it is true that There are two pests that you should not ignore: the Red spider and the cochineal. If you are attacked, your health may be affected.

As for diseases, most of them have to do with irrigation. This will produce fungus that will appear on the leaves.


Image – Wikimedia / Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

Do you want to reproduce your maranta leuconera? Well, it is not as difficult as you might think at first, quite the opposite.

The arrowroot can be multiplied in two different ways:

  • By cuttings. It consists of cutting a branch of the plant, about 10 centimeters. You have to make sure that it has a knot since that is where the roots will come out. You just have to put it in a pot or glass with water and wait for roots to come out (normally in about 3 weeks you will get it). When these are abundant you can plant it and keep the soil moist and the temperature warm so that it adapts well.
  • By division. It is the fastest, because it simply consists of dividing the plant into several parts. Of course, you must make sure that all of them have enough roots and several stems so that it can reproduce well.

What many do is take a part of the plant and when it is well established plant it in the same pot to give it more volume.

As you see, The care of the maranta leuconera is not complicated at all, In return, it is a very grateful plant that will attract a lot of attention when you have it. Of course, it is not convenient that you place it where there are many plants. While it is a way to provide an ecosystem and better humidity, it can get overwhelmed if there are many plants around it, so it will need you to give it its space. Do you dare to have this plant at home?

Maranta leuconeura: care | Gardening On

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