Origin, characteristics and care of the Maranta Tricolor

Origin of the Maranta Tricolor

The Maranta Tricolor is a plant that is believed to be there are about 25 speciesa plant that belongs to the genus of the Marantácea family, this being a group of plants that owe their name to the Italian Bartolomé Maranta, a botanist from Venosa.

Origin of the Maranta Tricolor

They originate from the tropical jungles of South America, specifically from Brazil.

These renowned varieties of plants are native to the rainforests of South Americaspecifically from Brazil.

The decorative of this flower that appears at the beginning of summer making them look discreet, are the oval leaves, which reach up to 15 cm long and they are distinguished by a particular coloration, such as stripes and spots of various colors on a light or dark green background. This plant is also known as the 10 Commandments plant and popularly as the Prayer flower.

When the flower of the Maranta Tricolor it is young, it crawls along the surface and as it grows, no trimming is done and its leaves can be pink to red or bluish-green, while the upper part can be from light green to almost black.

Caring for the Tricolor Maranta

This plant is extremely delicate, frequent watering is important and you must adhere to an adequate irrigation regime.

In summer, watering should take place every three to four dayswithout letting them wither. In winter, the plant is watered with warm water, when the earth dries up. You have to make sure quite well that the soil has not dried too much, the water having to be warm with a pH of 4 to 5,5, preventing excess water in the substrate but otherwise preventing the soil from drying out.

This plant should be sprayed with water and frequently between May and September, more especially from September to February.

This plant accepts light well, solar but it would be much better to have them in semi shade. On a dark side or between sun and shade.

You need a temperature that is warm at night.

To perform a transplant this should be done in the spring.

You pay biweekly from May to September and pamper the subject of diseases and pests a lot, since this plant is something prone to disease. So if you want a Maranta Tricolor plant that is not diseased, you cannot let the plant dry out too much and be fully aware of watering, soil and nutrient.

Maranta Tricolor must also be fertilized for the first time from spring to summer with a liquid fertilizer every 15_20 days and changing the pot once a year, being the fastest and most suitable way for the multiplication of the Maranta Tricolor.

As you can see, the Maranta Tricolor is a plant that must be cared for and pampered a lot, being able to say that it is a quite capricious plant, but if you give it proper care, this flower will delight you with its sweet and wonderful appearance.

Characteristics of the Maranta Tricolor

Characteristics of the Maranta Tricolor

This is one perennial tropical plantof low growth and that is forming clumps.

It is characterized by its beautiful foliage and generally grows up to 12-15 centimeters tall and wide, with ellipsoid to oval leaves, predominantly green and up to 5 centimeters long, with striking patterns, lines, spots and shadows.

The lower part of the leaf is grayish-green to purple-green, being as we have said previously a plant native to Brazil.

The leaves close up at night in a manner similar to praying hands, hence the common name for the Prayer plant. The two-lipped white flowers with purple spots usually bloom in slender spikes in late spring to early summer, but appear infrequently on indoor plants and the small flowers are somewhat attractive but insignificant ornamental.

Origin, characteristics and care of the Maranta Tricolor

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