Carraspique blanco, an annual plant that will take care of your health

Iberia bitter

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Density

The white carraspique It is a very beautiful seasonal plant that, with its no more than a foot in height and with the amount of flowers it produces, is capable of brightening up anyone’s day, even those who have had poor digestion.

Its care is not complicated; in fact, it is so simple that you can buy its seeds in spring and enjoy watching them grow even if you don’t have much experience growing plants. Want to know more about her? Do not miss this article.

What are their characteristics?

Our protagonist is an annual herbaceous plant whose scientific name is Iberia bitterand which is popularly known as carraspique, carraspique blanco, synapice, curlew and chintz. It is native to southern and central Europe and North Africa. Reaches a height of about 30cmwith very thin branched stems from which elongated leaves with serrated margin sprout.

Throughout the summer the flowers appear that are grouped in inflorescences with the shape of a white or lilac raceme. Once they are pollinated, the fruit begins to ripen, which is a round pod.

How do you take care of yourself?

If you want to get a specimen of white holm oak, we recommend giving it the following care:

  • Location: outside, in full sun.
  • Earth:
    • Pot: universal growing substrate mixed with perlite in equal parts.
    • Garden: not demanding, but prefers limestone soils.
  • Irrigation: every 2 days in summer and at least the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: during flowering it is highly recommended to fertilize it with a liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium, following the indications specified on the product’s packaging.
  • Planting / transplanting time: in spring or summer.

What are its medicinal properties?

Iberis amara flowers

Image – Wikimedia Commons

It is high in vitamin C, essential for a strong immune system. What’s more, has digestive and carminative properties. Of course, you have to know that in large quantities it can cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

How is it used?

It can be used in infusion. You have to pour 30g of dried flowers and seeds into 1l of boiling water. Then it is strained and sweetened with a small spoonful of honey. Take 2 or 3 cups a day after meals.

What did you think of this plant?

Carraspique blanco, an annual plant that will take care of your health

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