How to grow berries in a garden?

The fruits of the forest can be grown in a garden

Walking through nature is always a pleasure. Listen to the sound of the birds and the wind, observe the diversity of plants that there are … Depending on the season of the year in which you are, you may even be able to taste some fruits of the forest, such as blackberries, raspberries or blueberries .

If you want to have these plants in your garden, patio or terrace, it will not be difficult for you to get them, since they are often sold in nurseries and garden centers as they multiply easily, either by cuttings or seeds. So do not hesitate to buy some, which then we will explain how to take care of them 🙂.

What are the fruits of the forest?

First of all, it is important to know what are those edible fruits that we can find in a forest, since otherwise we will not know which species to buy. Well, these are also called red fruits, although not all are of that color (such as blueberries), which are berries produced by wild shrubs that have a sweet or sour taste, and are very juicy.

Most of these berries are edible, but we must be careful when hiking in the wild, as there are some that are not. And it is that, in nature, having a very striking color is often a clear sign of toxicity (as for example happens with lychees eaten in excess).

Which are?

But what do we call berries? Actually, there are many more than we might think at first, the following being the most popular:

Cranberry (red and blue)

Blueberry on the plant

It is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Vaccinium native to Europe, North America and Asia that can grow as a very branched tree or have a creeping bearing (depending on the species) growing to a height of between 20cm and 2 meters. Its leaves are small, oval and green, and it produces its fruits in autumn.

Blueberry cultivation

Related article:

Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)

cherry tree

Cherries are edible fruits

It is a deciduous tree whose scientific name is Prunus avium which can reach 30 meters in height. It is native to Europe and Asia, and develops a broad, pyramidal-elongated crown, composed of simple leaves, with a crenate or serrated margin, and large, up to 15cm in length. It blooms in spring, before the budding of the leaves, and bears fruit in summer-autumn.

grow cherries

Related article:

Cherry cultivation


Sloes are edible fruits

It is a very tangled and thorny deciduous shrub whose scientific name is prunus spinosa. Native to Central and Southern Europe, Western Asia, and northern Algeria and Tunisia. It grows up to 4 meters in heightand its leaves are small, oval, alternate and petiolate. Its fruit ripens in summer-autumn.

Prunus spinosa with fruits

Related article:

Sloes, the bush that everyone should have in their garden


Raspberries are red

It is an evergreen shrub whose scientific name is Rubus idaeus native to Europe and North Asia that grows between 1,5 and 2,5 meters in height. Its leaves are lanceolate, green, and sprout from reddish branches. The fruits, similar to blackberries but smaller and softer, ripen towards the end of summer / beginning of autumn.

plant raspberries

Related article:

How and when to plant raspberries


Strawberries are red fruits

Known as strawberry or frantera, it is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe whose scientific name is Fragaria vesca. Reaches a height of about 30-35 centimeterswith rosette leaves composed of three leaflets with a serrated margin, green in color. The fruits ripen throughout the summer.

Strawberries in the orchard

Related article:

Strawberry cultivation and care


The strawberry tree is an evergreen shrub

Also known as arbutus, it is an evergreen shrub-tree whose scientific name is I unite the trees. Native to southern Europe and North Africa, grows between 4 and 7 meters tallwith lanceolate and serrated or serrulate leaves. Its fruits are ready for consumption in autumn.

the strawberry tree as a representative tree of the Mediterranean

Related article:

The strawberry tree as a typical Mediterranean tree


Red currants are small berries

They are deciduous shrubs belonging to the genus Ribes, the most cultivated species being the (Grossulariaceae). (red currant) and the Ribes nigrum (black currant). Its origin is in Western Europe, and grow to heights between 1 and 2 meters. They produce large, palmate, green leaves and fruit in clusters that ripen in summer-autumn.

View of delicious red currants

Related article:

Currant: characteristics, cultivation and uses


The red mulberry is a deciduous tree

Mulberry is a deciduous tree native to Asia belonging to the genus Morus, the best known species being the black mulberry (black mulberry), Red elm (red mulberry) or the White mulberry. They grow between 10 and 15 meters in heightwith a more or less straight trunk and large leaves, up to 20 centimeters in length. Produces edible fruits in autumn.

Mulberry trees multiply by seeds or cuttings


The blackberry is an invasive climber

Also known as bramble or blackberry, it is a thorny climbing shrub native to Europe, North Africa and South Asia whose scientific name is Rubus ulmifolius. It is very invasive, and can grow up to 1,5cm per dayand being thorny it has little rival. The leaves are evergreen, odd-pinnate, with serrated or serrated margins and green. It produces drupes in black clusters when ripe.

Related article:

Blackberry, very fast growing edible plant

How are they cared for?

Now that you know what they are and their main characteristics, it’s time to find out how they are cared for:


They are plants that they must be abroad. Where? Well, if they are trees (cherry, mulberry) they must be in a sunny exhibition; On the other hand, if they are shrubs or herbaceous, you can have them in semi-shade.


  • Flower pot: it must be fertile, with good drainage. It is recommended to mix mulch (on sale here!) with perlite (for sale here!).
  • the garden: rich in organic matter, well drained.


In general, irrigation it must be moderate to frequentespecially in summer. Water an average of about 3 times a week in the hottest and dry season, and a little less the rest.


The fruits of the forest are usually red

From early spring to late summer they have to be paid with ecological fertilizers, like guano (for sale here!) or cow dung (for sale here!).


If required, prune in late winter. Dry, diseased, weak and / or broken branches must be removed. Don’t forget to disinfect the tools before and after use to prevent infection.

Plagues and diseases

They can be affected by mealybugs, aphids y White fly especially. But do not rule out Red spider nor the mushrooms.

Pests can be treated with diatomaceous earth (on sale here!), and the latter with fungicides.


It depends on the species, but all the ones you have seen here they resist frosts down to -7ºC without problems; some like cherry or mulberry more (up to -18ºC). If you have questions, contact us.

What are the properties of the berries?

The fruits of the forest or red fruits are one of the best allies for health that we can have. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and iron, so that thanks to them we can enjoy a stronger immune system, and an organism that is more resistant to diseases. Some, like lingonberries, can be consumed as part of the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections; others, like strawberries, are ideal for people suffering from rheumatism as they are anti-inflammatory.

How are they consumed?

Blueberries are edible berries

In different ways:

  • Raw
  • In jams
  • Desserts like ice cream and cakes
  • Infusion

Infusion of berries

Without a doubt, the infusion of berries is what is best known; not in vain, in a glass with water you can gather all the properties of various red fruitswhich is something that your body will appreciate, because you will get a stronger immune system, you can prevent or treat constipation, improve blood circulation, fight cholesterol and anemia, eliminate toxins, and it can even help you lose weight .

How do you prepare?

If you want to take it, you need:

  • 2 blackberries, cut in half
  • 1 tablespoon of strawberries, cut into four parts
  • 1 plum cut into squares
  • 1 cherry, diced
  • 1 spearmint or mint leaf

The mode of preparation is as follows:

  1. First, you have to bring water to boil in a saucepan.
  2. Then, you remove it and put it in a container that resists heat.
  3. Then, you add the previously washed ingredients.
  4. Finally, let the infusion rest for about 5 minutes and that’s it.

What did you think of this article? We hope you enjoy growing your own berries 🙂.

How to grow berries in a garden?

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