Queen’s Earrings (Fuchsia hybrida)

flowers of the queen's earrings fully open and pink colar

When we see a flowering plant there is always something that catches our attention, be it its color or its aroma. Fuchsia hybrida is a plant that can impress us both by its beauty and its delicate smellbeing able to be recognized by its upright forms both in planters, as in walls adorned with flowers.

They belong to the family of the onagraceae and there are about 650 species that come mainly from temperate and subtropical regions. They are mostly herbaceous plants, sometimes medium-woody, terrestrial or sometimes aquatic.


close up of the queen's earrings where you can see some of her flowers open and others closed

The forms of this plant as we know them, they are hybridssince the origin is quite confusing. As for the types of flowers they are simple, double or semi-double. They are very numerous and variable given the color of the flowers, foliage and size.

It is a medium-woody plant that stands out for its exuberant beauty and color. They are grown with or without stems, the leaves are simple, opposite or grouped in three, whole and slightly toothed, most of the time green, but sometimes of variable colors (tufted and yellow).

The flowers, in rumbling bells, have four sepals and four petals (sometimes more with double or semi-double flowers) colored. They are more or less elongated according to their paternal ancestry. The stamens and pistil strongly protrude outside the flower.


The care of this plant requires in principle attention and a little knowledge, but it can easily be cultivated. Fuchsia hybrida prefer a shaded or half shaded exposuresince receiving the sun directly can affect it.

The greatest care should be given during the winteralthough there are more resistant plants that can overwinter outside, through effective protection that prevents too much humidity at the level of the strain. In the process of vegetation, the Fuchsia asks for a fresh, light, rich and humid soil.

Special care during winter

When Fuchsias are grown in small containers and winter comes, it is necessary to protect them from the cold. It is recommended to take them indoors and if possible at a temperature of 5 to 8 degrees.

The treatment for the leaves before winter will consist of eliminating about 1/3 of the length of the stems, removing the flowers, the buttons and the maximum of leaves in order to eliminate insects, eventual diseases, and avoid decomposition of the leaves in the storage place.

At the end of winter the plants must return to their original container and be placed neatly in plastic boxes, with a bottom that maintains a certain humidity but without excess. We can also transfer the lump in a plastic bag for better handling.

In all cases, it is important to remove the soil from the top of the clod as well as the scab that is made around it. It is also necessary to think about the labeling of the plants, because in this way their relocation in spring is facilitated.


flower-filled shrub called queen's earrings or Fuchsia hybrida

During the summer it is necessary to be attentive to the attacks of plant diseases and insects, aerating as soon as the temperature allow. This should avoid the use of fungicides or insecticides at most.

Among the other pests that can affect this plant are the flies small black 2 mm called sciaridesTherefore, it is recommended to remove all the dead parts of the plant, since these insects are attracted by the yellow leaves to which they come to stick.

History says that the berries of the fruits were used by the ancient Maori of Tahiti to create a cocktail prepared with contents of the skull of their enemies. Besides this, women are said to have made up with the blue pollen of Fuchsia hybrida.

Be that as it may, no one can deny us that this shrub when filled with flowers, both open and closed, is a true wonder.

Queen’s Earrings (Fuchsia hybrida)

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