Stevia rebaudiana stem

Stevia is a herbaceous plant that, in addition to being very beautiful, is well known for being suitable for diabetics. Its growth rate is fast, reaching a maximum height of 40 centimeters in a few months; However, its multiplication is not very easy.

Getting new specimens of our beloved plant may take time, but you will surely succeed if you follow our advice on how to make stevia cuttings .

When are the cuttings obtained?

If we want to multiply our plant we have to wait for the summer to endwhich will be when their growth rate slows down a bit and, consequently, when the loss of sap will be less than if we obtained them in spring.

Once the time comes, we will take some scissors -they can be sewing, or even children’s-, we will disinfect them well with water and a few drops of pharmacy alcohol, and we will proceed to obtain the cutting.

How to make stevia cuttings?

The first thing we have to do is look for a stem that is 12 to 15 centimeters long and that it has a minimum of 4 sheets. Later, only we have to cut at the baseas close as possible to the mother plant. And now, we can do two things:

  • Put the stem in a vase with water for three weeks: it is important to use rainwater or lime-free water, and change it every 1-2 days. Likewise, we have to clean the container thoroughly to avoid the appearance of bacteria that can harm the cutting.
  • Impregnate its base with rooting hormones and plant it in a pot: it will be necessary to use a porous growing substrate, with good drainage. Therefore, a good mix is ​​black peat with perlite in equal parts.

Stevia plant

Stevia is a plant that can give us many great satisfactions. We just have to protect it from direct sun and water it regularly, preventing the substrate from drying out.

We hope that now you know how to multiply your plant.