Rosemary branch

Rosemary is a plant of Mediterranean origin that adapts to almost everything: in the pot or in the garden; in the sun or semi-shadow. It is also very resistant to pests and diseases, so taking care of it is a real wonder.

But it must also be said that it can take care of us, well the properties of rosemary are very interesting so that we have a very good health.

What is rosemary good for?

Rosemary hedge

Rosemary, whose scientific name is Rosemary officinalisis a shrub that is used very frequently to decorate gardens, patios and balconies. With an irrigation every 3-4 days we can get a specimen of which we can take advantage of its magnificent medicinal properties. Depending on the mode of use, it will be more useful for certain ills.

External use

  • It is very effective for those who practice sports, as it reduces muscle aches and cramps. Also, relax your feet.
  • If your hair tends to break, do a massage with rosemary oil in the part where it is born and you will see how little by little, the problem will be solved.
  • It is useful to have strong and healthy nails.
  • Helps relieve sores.

Internal use

  • Being high in iron, it can be used to overcome anemia.
  • As an adjunct to antibiotic treatment, it can be used to treat some cases of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Delays ageing.
  • Prevents and fights bad breath.

Still, Before starting any treatment with rosemary you should know that if you are pregnant or think you may be, you should not take it. In addition, if the treatment is long-term, it can cause headaches, insomnia and spasms.

Rosemary flowers

Rosemary is a very interesting plant that can help us a lot if we are sick, but we must never abuse it.