Privet Hedge: the most frequent problems and how to solve them

Privet hedge: problems

Sometimes, in our garden, we can have a hedge to achieve privacy and that there are no “nosy neighbors” that prevent us from enjoying as we would like. However, although there are many species that serve us, most use the privet hedge. Does it cause problems? Unfortunately yes.

And it is that, like other plants, you should be careful with diseasesa topic that we are going to deal with today so that you know what to do with your privet hedge when it shows signs that something is not going well. Go for it?

Privet hedge: common problems that you should take into account

round privet hedgeround arrow aligus

Source: Hogarmania

Before talking to you about the pests and diseases that can affect your hedge, we wanted to review the main disadvantages of having this species in your garden. It is not that they are very bad, but you do have to take it into account at the time of placing it because it will not be to have it and that’s it.

Frequent pruning

Privets are characterized by rapid growth, as well as a fairly consistent density in the form of a hedge. But that means you have to be pruning it frequently if you don’t want it to lose its shape or invade the territory of other plants.

We are aware that it is good that it grows fast and a lot, but often that can mean that every x months you have to prune it and, therefore, do a maintenance.

Lackluster appearance, especially in winter

You must take this into account depending on the variety of privet you have. And it is that there are many that have resistance to cold but others do not. And the problem is that, if you have one of those, when autumn and winter arrive you will see how the leaves of the hedge are getting lighter, the branches are no longer as consistent.

What if, it can die (although if well cared for it could sprout in the spring). However, it is one of the privet hedge problems to take into account, because it means that it will leave you “naked” and there will be no privacy in your garden.

Attracts certain insects and pests

Let’s start with the insects. the privets they are quite attractive to beesespecially when they are in bloom, which means that you should put it as far away from people as possible to avoid problems.

At the same time, also it will attract birds or other pests that could not only damage the plants in your garden, but also the hedge.

We will talk about this next.

Pests and diseases of the privet hedge

privet hedgeseto aligustra

Source: plantamus

We have already seen in generating the problems that having a privet hedge entails. However, we have left the subject of pests and diseases for the end because it is a “separate chapter” to be taken into account.

Gray mold

This problem is caused by Botrytis cinereafor an fungus that affects especially in winter and that makes there are thousands of them infecting the plant. As it does? Through wounds, for example in pruning, when openings are left in the surface of the branches or the trunk.

The signs that your privet has this pest are mainly on the branches, which you will see how they lose strength and begin to not hold the leaves (which will fall off).

One of the main causes for which it appears is due to the irrigation of the tree’s crown, because that creates an environment that favors the appearance and germination of the tree.

To treat it, you will have to remove all the parts that are infected and burn or destroy them.

black fungus

As its name indicates, the privet is affected by the sooty molda disease that will cause the leaves of the hedge to have round, black spots. As time progresses, these spots will get bigger and also increase in number, also affecting the branches. This prevents the plant from being able to carry out photosynthesis and, with this, its death is almost guaranteed.

What you can do to rid her of this disease is Remove all the leaves that you see with spots as soon as possible and also apply a fungicide. In case it has already affected the branches, you will have to prune them (yes, we recommend that you seal the wounds).


It is one of the most common diseases in a privet hedge, and with quite a few problems. To begin with, it can be caused by different pathogens, such as Apiognomonia veneta or wanderingor the Collectotrichum gloeosporioides.

Among the symptoms that you will see in the plant is above all the appearance of dark spots on the leaves, that makes them grow poorly and do not perform photosynthesis well. When it affects the branches or the trunk, it will seem that they are consuming it from the inside.

Unfortunately if your privet has this disease the only thing you can do is remove all the plants that are affected. There is no fungicide that can with these pathogens.

round shaped privet

round shaped privet


It will appear if the area where the privet hedge is located is warm and humid at the same time. the plant then you’ll have leaves that wilt or turn yellow, and the bark on branches and trunks will appear to be falling apart.

The only way to try to save her is disinfecting the base of the plant and removing plants that are affected (there is no way to save them). As prevention, for the rest, you could use a fungicide.


This fungus is another one that causes problems in privet hedges, especially in the leaves. Among the symptoms you will recognize will be the premature fall of the leaves, as well as yellow, round spots on them.

It can affect especially in autumn, as well as in areas where it rains a lot or is very windy.

To solve it, you will have to water from above (without going too far so you don’t cause another disease) and then remove the affected parts. Azoxystrobin, or myclobutanil are two treatments that you can apply and that will help to recover it, but we recommend that you consult an expert because, if you add too little, it will not work; and if you go too far you could kill the plant.

white mealybug

This is one of the best known, right? It affects a large number of plants and, of course, this one too. Above all they lodge in the trunk, branches and leaves when they have not yet finished opening. The problem is that they are weakening the hedge and causing it to not grow, becoming weaker and weaker, and finally dying.

To remedy it, a pesticide or some treatment you find to mealybugs this will help you (and observe, of course).

dark spot

If you have a privet hedge, Have you noticed round reddish-brown spots with a purple edge on the leaves? If so, you are facing one of the most common problems and that you should take into account.

It is produced mainly by lack of ventilation but if you remove the affected leaves and branches you could still recover it with a fungicide.

As you can see, the privet hedge has many problems. Some with solutions and others not. Have you come across any of them in your garden?

Privet Hedge: the most frequent problems and how to solve them

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